I win a extra t2 alpha but not recived in my inventory
You didn’t win an extra one, and thus you didn’t get it. It accidentally looks like you won an 3xtra one, but that’s not possible. It’s a known visual bug.
U just need to understand the mod didt gav your the tier2 aplha it wher a visuealt ther happen. When u form one then it say 2 but it only 1. U Got becasse tha what u form from it.
I really hope you are trolling, you dont get 1 t2a from completing it, DONT. Yes you may have formed one but thats it, the 2 next to it is a visual bug, thanks for posting, enjoy your day
Just a visual glitch dude. Can only get 10% of a t2a from that event
You didn’t win an extra one, and thus you didn’t get it. It accidentally looks like you won an 3xtra one, but that’s not possible. It’s a known visual bug.