Help using captain America (original)

DoctorofEvilDoctorofEvil Member Posts: 217
I have 3 star duped versions of captain America and captain America ww2. Recently I rolled a four star CA original.

CA WW2 has an amazing special 2 with phenomenal bleed. CA doesn't cause bleed or poison, and does rwlirvely minor damage. But I see he is listed often as one of the top 3 science attackers. I'm new to the game so I don't really understand the strategy/technique of using him. Any pointers? I've managed to pull of a couple of 5+special one that led to a stun and let me do another 5 hit combo, but he doesn't do enough damage for my fighting style. I need to learn


  • Robbie_75Robbie_75 Member Posts: 11
    His usefulness isn't in a strong attack but in his ability to take minimal damage when blocking. He's great for newer players to use while learning how to evade like a ninja (check out Dorky Diggity Daves vid).
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    He does fair damage with his lvl 2 when it crits. It's just not as consistent as ww2
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★
    I think most people hate Cap because his fatigue debuff triggers WP.

  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,332 ★★★★★
    I have Cap America, not the OP WWII version.

    Have a Science awakening gem and really thinking to use it as I don't really know if I will ever pull WWII.

    Rather than wait, maybe use it to help game progress.

  • cordeiro13cordeiro13 Member Posts: 6
    His e1 stuns a lot so you can have a sequence of combos doing a lot of damage.
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