We are silver 1. Map 44433. 3 bg clears. 3 bg war. SA weekly. No event mins and low donations. Pushing for Gold this season. Need a good account like yours to round us out and fill a dead spot.
B_Dizzle_01 ign
B_Dizzle_01#1147 discord
b_dizzle_01 line
8m / Gold 3 Alliance running 55333 We also run all wars.
You must have LINE and communicate...
If you can survive a route on your own in war and have or want map5 experience, I am interested - look me up on LINE matwylde
or alliance The Defiant Defenders [-TDD-] Also feel free to send a request to join.
or ign Archdemon_
We're laid back enough but expect the usual minimum contribution to Completion 15k. Treasury requirements until we move up to higher level alliance quests are set at 12k Bc / 54k Gold / 5.5k Loyalty.
We currently have 25 players, but are having problems with availability. Please feel free to message me on Line or in Game
TigersBlood435 on both. We are gold 3 from past two season, run map 5x3, then two map 3s until we have players enough to run 5x5. We are very active on line.
Looking forward to hearing from you! WeaponXForce is on the rise!
Laid back but active alliance running AQ 35533 (to keep donations down) and AW ~twice a week. Donations are 54k/12k/5k gold/chips/loyalty. Silver 2 last season.
B_Dizzle_01 ign
B_Dizzle_01#1147 discord
b_dizzle_01 line
We do 3 wars per week (Season Rank- Gold3) and 5 AQ per series, map
Weekly SA above 265k without stress.
Almost all Alliance Milestone Events 100% (except PVP).
Line account mandatory for communication.
Alliance tag: TNTRO
For more info add me on Line App:
You must have LINE and communicate...
If you can survive a route on your own in war and have or want map5 experience, I am interested - look me up on LINE matwylde
or alliance The Defiant Defenders [-TDD-] Also feel free to send a request to join.
or ign
We're laid back enough but expect the usual minimum contribution to Completion 15k. Treasury requirements until we move up to higher level alliance quests are set at 12k Bc / 54k Gold / 5.5k Loyalty.
We currently have 25 players, but are having problems with availability. Please feel free to message me on Line or in Game
TigersBlood435 on both. We are gold 3 from past two season, run map 5x3, then two map 3s until we have players enough to run 5x5. We are very active on line.
Looking forward to hearing from you! WeaponXForce is on the rise!
Minimum Requirements
Level 50 / 200k PI / Line id
Contact me on line if interested. Id ras96st.
If you are still available and want to join, we would love to have you onboard...
Contact @ line id- utpal219273