August 3
Laid back but active alliance running AQ 35533 (to keep donations down) and AW ~twice a week. Donations are 54k/12k/5k gold/chips/loyalty. Silver 2 last season.
Hey man!
Your roster looks greeeat. We run AQ map 4 all week + AW. We have a good pull of active members, but you can lay back for a few days whenever you need. I send you an invite in game. Add me on line (id: elkalla) if you're interested!
Contact me if your still looking.
Laid back but active alliance running AQ 35533 (to keep donations down) and AW ~twice a week. Donations are 54k/12k/5k gold/chips/loyalty. Silver 2 last season.
Minimum Requirements
Level 50 / 200k PI / Line id
Contact me on line if interested. Id ras96st.
Your roster looks greeeat. We run AQ map 4 all week + AW. We have a good pull of active members, but you can lay back for a few days whenever you need. I send you an invite in game. Add me on line (id: elkalla) if you're interested!