Has uncollected became way more hard than usual?

GSTAR21GSTAR21 Member Posts: 168
I have done every single uncollected monthly event apart from the Modok one and have enjoyed the level of challenge and the rewards. When exploring last month's event, I wasn't too pleased with a few changes:

- More nodes paths with stupidly difficult nodes (e.g. unstoppable war path)
- Unfair defender's popping up far to frequently (Domino's and Dormammu's)

And now we have this Hydra Adaptoid which just doesn't seem to be on the same scale of difficulty as uncollected used to be. 165k health, 12k attack, kinetic reactor, power gain, unblockable SP1, unstoppable after specials and vigor on the second last boss?! This isn't enjoyable, it's beyond the level of difficulty that I consider enjoyable and I find myself just constantly dying from either combat lag or that 12k attack going straight through my block.

Is anyone else feeling like this? I'm personally going to be skipping this monthly event and if it doesn't improve then I will be leaving the game. After a month of overheating issues and with bugs and combat issues still present, this difficulty of the monthly event just feels like a slap in the face from Kabam. Make uncollected mode a fair and fun difficulty again.


  • Thecrusher_9756Thecrusher_9756 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    It is fair and fun. Uncollected shouldn’t be a walk in the park. There’s a whole month to explore it so don’t rush it all in the first week and watch videos to find the best counters for him
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  • DOA40DOA40 Member Posts: 94
    Yeah, even Master level is insanely difficult. The amount of buffs that they are giving bosses is getting out of hand. While I don’t want it to be too easy, I don’t want it to be an obvious money grab, which these monthly events are becoming with the amount of revives and health pots you have to burn through just to beat a boss.

    Seriously, don’t give a boss some of the hardest buffs to power through: Kinetic, Power Gain, Unstoppable, and Unblockable.

    If I could, I would take out Kinetic and Unstoppable. It would still make him tough with the health and attack he has, but not freaking impossible.

    And yes, I know about the Ronan ability, but I shouldn’t be forced to bring in a character I barely use just to defeat a boss.
  • skullduggery72skullduggery72 Member Posts: 224 ★★
    Yes it's harder as is master. Kabam must need to buy new hamsters to power their servers. It's all about getting as much £$ from the customers, without giving any satisfaction as they know we are addicted.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Actually I feel like adaptoid is easier than YJ from previous eq. his sps easier to evade, no sp3 and on top of that I can have some fun with Ronan now, who have been quite useless lately
  • 1TapTakeANap1TapTakeANap Member Posts: 60
    Not all content is supposed to be easy , uncollected is for the people who have beaten the collector (once) . If you didnt use a revive or potion downing the collector then you should be skilled enough to one shot Adaptoid and red skull.

    Not to mention there will be different counters each month and having them will make life alot easier.
  • Goken2345Goken2345 Member Posts: 621 ★★
    it should have never been easy to begin with. This is supposed to be a challenge to people who beat the collector. Frankly I welcome the difficulty I know that may be an unpopular opinion but here we are.
  • GotszbotGotszbot Member Posts: 236
    edited August 2018
    Why would the game be fun if you can run through anything? Adaptoid was easy just as much as red skull is, it's simply about having the right champs or learning the fight.
  • slayer6slayer6 Member Posts: 377 ★★
    I would say depends this uncollected if you dont have ronan duped or magik or medusa ya will struggle, i personally didnt mind this months i really hated the double thanos uncollected monthly that was a big cash grab
  • trey92008trey92008 Member Posts: 101
    #robot + Medusa = great victory.

    Not to be rude, but if you’re having trouble perhaps you’re not playing at the best quest difficulty lvl? These quirky fights are the best part of new quests, as they actually make you think & plan an attack.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,192 ★★★★★
    That's what story quest is for. Its here forever. Not monthly eq. Its here only a short time. Not everyone is able to get a" required" champ.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    There re 2 dozen champs that can handle him well. Many more can do it with patience. There’s no unavoidable damage and no special 3 to worry about. And iron man specials are easy to evade.
  • DukeZmanDukeZman Member Posts: 698 ★★★
    It’s definitely had a difficulty creep. Since it’s targeting end game players, as they get more 6*s and even R2 6*s and then more 5/65 5*s they keep making it harder to continually challenge the end game players. Unfortunately that makes it more of struggle for your average Uncollected player.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    What do you expect if people have now rank 2 6 stars and 5/65 champs. The content will always evolution and get harder.
  • GSTAR21GSTAR21 Member Posts: 168
    trey92008 wrote: »
    #robot + Medusa = great victory.

    Not to be rude, but if you’re having trouble perhaps you’re not playing at the best quest difficulty lvl? These quirky fights are the best part of new quests, as they actually make you think & plan an attack.

    You did read my original post right? I have been 100%ing Uncollected mode for every single one of them besides the Modok one. This month's fights aren't "quirky" they're blatantly BS and is a significant difficulty increase.

    I have now onced through the Adaptoid and Red Skull without the use of revives, but it was more difficult than it should have been. Hence why I made this post, the difficulty is going up for the same rewards
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  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    GSTAR21 wrote: »
    trey92008 wrote: »
    #robot + Medusa = great victory.

    Not to be rude, but if you’re having trouble perhaps you’re not playing at the best quest difficulty lvl? These quirky fights are the best part of new quests, as they actually make you think & plan an attack.

    You did read my original post right? I have been 100%ing Uncollected mode for every single one of them besides the Modok one. This month's fights aren't "quirky" they're blatantly BS and is a significant difficulty increase.

    I have now onced through the Adaptoid and Red Skull without the use of revives, but it was more difficult than it should have been. Hence why I made this post, the difficulty is going up for the same rewards

    right but the last two months were really easy right???? so you want them to reduce the rewards when it's easier? because using the "same rewards" argument is a slippery slope. I agree this month was hard, but not going to call it BS. it's bs that you can use a 2* to take down the UC boss.
  • TaxTax Member Posts: 105
    Instead of telling you what level you should be playing and what champs you should be using I'll just answer your question: Yes, it is getting harder. As you noted they are using more nodes on more paths. They are also releasing more defensive champs.

    People can debate about whether or not making quests harder is a good development, but there should be no debate that it has happened.
  • VTA92VTA92 Member Posts: 374 ★★★
    I bet everyone is missing Guilly from a couple months ago 😂
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Last month was easy. This one was harder (although honestly if you use Ronin there's nothing really challenging about it). I don't think the overall difficulty is trending harder. @Spicyslicer I guess everyone that isn't having issues is a homer fanboy? lol
  • PhonieStarkPhonieStark Member Posts: 202
    If the game was operating smoothly, I might have a different opinion, but I agree with the OP on this one. When you try to evade a special 1 or 2, and your champs freezes, then you get hit with one shot and you're dead, it's BS.
  • PhonieStarkPhonieStark Member Posts: 202
    When you are in the middle of a five hit combo and your champ throws a random heavy, or the defender just decided to just hit back right in the middle of your combo, and then you die quickly, it's simply not fun. And I'm talking about Master, can't imagine what's happening in uncollected.
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  • RaoulDuke420RaoulDuke420 Member Posts: 31
    Markg25 wrote: »
    This months a absolute joke ... there’s no need for kabam to have put unblockable finale on the hydra adaptoid .... all as they care about is milking the players for as much money as they can.

    FYI I’ve beaten the adaptoid Many of times as I’m lucky to have medusa

    If feel bad for those who don’t ( I know there’s ronan aslo

    Constant issues on top of this doesn’t make it better.

    Kabam need to pull there finger out, the games becoming less and less fun

    Wait till they start selling the featured Medusa and Ronan crystals later this month. Cash grab couldn’t be anymore obvious.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Markg25 wrote: »
    This months a absolute joke ... there’s no need for kabam to have put unblockable finale on the hydra adaptoid .... all as they care about is milking the players for as much money as they can.

    FYI I’ve beaten the adaptoid Many of times as I’m lucky to have medusa

    If feel bad for those who don’t ( I know there’s ronan aslo

    Constant issues on top of this doesn’t make it better.

    Kabam need to pull there finger out, the games becoming less and less fun

    Wait till they start selling the featured Medusa and Ronan crystals later this month. Cash grab couldn’t be anymore obvious.

    Because people are going to buy Ronin crystals lmao. The fact that 2* and 3* Ronin works makes this highly unlikely as a money making scheme, let alone obvious. The "cash grab" take is so overplayed.
  • MyselfandiMyselfandi Member Posts: 165
    Ok. So 2 days ago I thought I'd never complete master mode due to hydra. Today I not only have completed it but explored it. 4* Magik did most of the work. 4*sparky helped as well. I just kept trying. Try, die, retry. Was like that for a couple of days. Practice makes perfect. It can be done. I am living proof!! 😂😂
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