But because it’s a difficult fight for a lot of players.
Especially if your coming off last EQ say Doing uncollected for the first time, then they arrive at this.
I don’t see why people can’t voice it or raise concerns, not everyone has to agree, I found it tricky, but after the first couple of fights you work out a solution and it’s much easier
But because it’s a difficult fight for a lot of players.
Especially if your coming off last EQ say Doing uncollected for the first time, then they arrive at this.
I don’t see why people can’t voice it or raise concerns, not everyone has to agree, I found it tricky, but after the first couple of fights you work out a solution and it’s much easier
Yeah, last uncollected was one of the easiest so far. So anyone thinking that their first uncollected experience is a sign of things to come and a consistent difficulty would be in for a shock this month.
I’m all for people giving their feedback and think it’s good for kabam to hear it. But I’m also all for people challenging others opinion and facilitating discussion and debate over whether things really are “too hard”. When there are 20+ Counters for one fight (I’ve just made a thread detailing each and every one of them) I just don’t think it’s ok to say something is too hard. It’s like saying realm of legends wolverine is too hard.
But because it’s a difficult fight for a lot of players.
Especially if your coming off last EQ say Doing uncollected for the first time, then they arrive at this.
I don’t see why people can’t voice it or raise concerns, not everyone has to agree, I found it tricky, but after the first couple of fights you work out a solution and it’s much easier
There is nobody that has an issue with those voicing that they have trouble this month.
There are several though who simply refuse to listen to tips handed to them stating that so many find it hard, something needs to be done. Which is not the case. It’s a hard fight if you don’t think and decide Ant-Man is the man for it. Good luck doing it with him. Thinking and using champs that counter his abilities. That’s what it is about. And boy have many people given solid information.
Willfully ignoring advice given for the sake of argument is what has caused sarcasm to enter the discussions. If people refuse to listen to advice given, and then act out in every possible way, they should just avoid the forums in the first place. Or at least avoid threads on the subject since they aren’t willing to listen anyway.
I get that the Adaptoid is hard for people, but the few percentages of players that frequent these forums as well, are hardly the measuring stick of the entire playerbase. Polls that were raised mean nothing. Literally nothing. So when x percentage votes on those stating he should be nerfed, it means again nothing.
It’s hard content, with equally hard counters that have been handed out in all manner of tips and tricks. No need to nerf the Adaptoid.
I see where the difficulty is coming from, I honestly wouldnt expect anyone who recently became uncollected to fight this and come out in one piece
I have no problems, but if this came out a year ago, I would probably be dead haha
I don't mind uncollected being too hard for me. But when I am struggling to get passed a champ in master mode theres something wrong lol. Just wasting time and energy. Now before all the HE-MEN of the realm come in and say "he was easy" or "you're not good enough yet" . I really dont care if I am or not. I'm struggling with it. As are a lot of other people. Energy keeps getting wasted every retry. Time wasted....
I don't mind uncollected being too hard for me. But when I am struggling to get passed a champ in master mode theres something wrong lol. Just wasting time and energy. Now before all the HE-MEN of the realm come in and say "he was easy" or "you're not good enough yet" . I really dont care if I am or not. I'm struggling with it. As are a lot of other people. Energy keeps getting wasted every retry. Time wasted....
You have 30 days to figure him out ... have you tried working him out at Heroic level first?
I don't mind uncollected being too hard for me. But when I am struggling to get passed a champ in master mode theres something wrong lol. Just wasting time and energy. Now before all the HE-MEN of the realm come in and say "he was easy" or "you're not good enough yet" . I really dont care if I am or not. I'm struggling with it. As are a lot of other people. Energy keeps getting wasted every retry. Time wasted....
Who are you using to fight him? I will admit he is a very difficult fight if you go in unprepared. But if you know what the counters are I think it becomes a very easy fight.
I mean. He's hard. But that's because I don't have the right champs to fight him. All I have is a 4* Duped Magik, not to mention my Mystic Dispersion isn't high up.
I don't mind uncollected being too hard for me. But when I am struggling to get passed a champ in master mode theres something wrong lol.
Why is it the case that if you are struggling, the game is wrong, because you shouldn't be struggling?
Mainly because it's getting increasingly impossible to beat unless you have certain champs. Skill can only take people so far. Certain people aren't even able to beat Master Mode which is usually a joke to the Uncollected Players.
I don't mind uncollected being too hard for me. But when I am struggling to get passed a champ in master mode theres something wrong lol. Just wasting time and energy. Now before all the HE-MEN of the realm come in and say "he was easy" or "you're not good enough yet" . I really dont care if I am or not. I'm struggling with it. As are a lot of other people. Energy keeps getting wasted every retry. Time wasted....
Who are you using to fight him? I will admit he is a very difficult fight if you go in unprepared. But if you know what the counters are I think it becomes a very easy fight.
I have 5* LC unduped. 4* magic, sparky, Voodoo. AA to get me there. I am slowly getting better at defeating master mode daptoid. Just keep messing up. I really dont want to use revives and pots for master mode. I will get there. Complete. Not sure about explore. Too much time and energy spent. On plus side. I have to wait till end of the week to get T1 cosmic catalysts so i can rank my 3* Ronan. Then we'll see how that goes.
I don't mind uncollected being too hard for me. But when I am struggling to get passed a champ in master mode theres something wrong lol. Just wasting time and energy. Now before all the HE-MEN of the realm come in and say "he was easy" or "you're not good enough yet" . I really dont care if I am or not. I'm struggling with it. As are a lot of other people. Energy keeps getting wasted every retry. Time wasted....
Who are you using to fight him? I will admit he is a very difficult fight if you go in unprepared. But if you know what the counters are I think it becomes a very easy fight.
I have 5* LC unduped. 4* magic, sparky, Voodoo. AA to get me there. I am slowly getting better at defeating master mode daptoid. Just keep messing up. I really dont want to use revives and pots for master mode. I will get there. Complete. Not sure about explore. Too much time and energy spend. On plus side. I have to wait till end of the week to get T1 cosmic catalysts so i can rank my 3* Ronan. Then we'll see how that goes.
Yeah, if you can, dedicate the month to rank your Ronan to max rank. He will make the fight so easy you’ll wonder why you ever thought it was hard! Good luck!
Because some noobs here just complain about everything , each time they have to spend a single revive they claim its hard and they want a nerf. IMO the only hard thing was ice phoenix , which they did nerf. But even before the nerf , i was using rogue to get past coldsnap.
Because some noobs here just complain about everything , each time they have to spend a single revive they claim its hard and they want a nerf. IMO the only hard thing was ice phoenix , which they did nerf. But even before the nerf , i was using rogue to get past coldsnap.
Well technically if you're using revives or potions it is hard?
I don't mind uncollected being too hard for me. But when I am struggling to get passed a champ in master mode theres something wrong lol.
Why is it the case that if you are struggling, the game is wrong, because you shouldn't be struggling?
Mainly because it's getting increasingly impossible to beat unless you have certain champs. Skill can only take people so far. Certain people aren't even able to beat Master Mode which is usually a joke to the Uncollected Players.
People keep saying that, but most of the time the "certain champs" ends up being dozens of champs. And while it is possible that a player might not have any of a long list of dozens of champs, at some point having a small roster is the same thing as having low ranked champions: it means your level of progress is insufficient for that difficulty level.
All you have to do to be uncollected is spend your way past the Collector. It doesn't mean the game guarantees you're ready for Uncollected, or even a free pass at Master.
I don't mind uncollected being too hard for me. But when I am struggling to get passed a champ in master mode theres something wrong lol.
Why is it the case that if you are struggling, the game is wrong, because you shouldn't be struggling?
Mainly because it's getting increasingly impossible to beat unless you have certain champs. Skill can only take people so far. Certain people aren't even able to beat Master Mode which is usually a joke to the Uncollected Players.
People keep saying that, but most of the time the "certain champs" ends up being dozens of champs.
In the thread where I’ve listed all the champs I think would do well against him, I have 23 counters listed, with an extra 5 or 6 good suggestions in the comments. In a game with 120 ish champs I think 28 counters is quite a large amount.
I think some of the people haven’t done it on heroic yet. I think they haven’t come on here and the subreddit or checked the you tube videos and researched his moves and how to fight each of them. I see a defeatist attitude and proclaimations that they won’t be finishing it, or that practicing over this month long period would be too hard or energy consuming. If that’s the mindset then yes, it will be too hard and you won’t pass it. If I thought that about Thanos during the infinity war event, and didn’t do my research, and tried to beat him on master mode the first week out without trying heroic first, I would not complete it either.
And if you do all that and still can’t pass it, it’s not the game - it’s probably you and you’re not there yet. Not gonna keep coddling people and telling them it’s just the hard game making it unfair. There’s lots of unfair things in life and the collector says hello, but this isn’t the hill to die on if you truly are at the level required to beat it.
its the power burn that I struggle with as one hit on my 3* ronan I'm using and he's dead I found going aggressive on master and staying close he doesn't fire of his sp1 it took a few revives on uncollected
The only people who would say that it's easy is the people who constantly spend money think about it he gets stacks of physical resist power gain Regen unstoppable unblockable and all this comes back to back. So to criticize another for voicing their opinion is simply ignorance
The only people who would say that it's easy is the people who constantly spend money think about it he gets stacks of physical resist power gain Regen unstoppable unblockable and all this comes back to back. So to criticize another for voicing their opinion is simply ignorance
I say that it’s hard with the wrong champs.
But I say it’s an easy fight if you’re prepared.
I also don’t spend any money.
The right champs can counter everything you say. Most counter 1 or 2 of his abilities, but some counter literally everything to the point he may as well be a normal adaptoid.
Anyone who says this fight is hard or harder than Guilly or Thanos is just annoyed because they got KO’d by them. Sure, you can have your opinion that the adaptoid is harder, but people can also have opinions that mud is sweeter than sugar. Doesn’t mean it’s a correct opinion to have.
i hate when people say its an easy fight. the ones saying that are complete garbage and just talk to strike up arguments with people. Like, what would you consider a hard fight? because this champ is literally made with tough attributes. unblockable (yet easy to evade) special that does extra damage. Power gain. insane regen. Unstoppable, and to end things, unblockable after 1/4th health, being like 70k(?) health. If this fight is "easy" then this game must not even be fun for you because its just a cake walk for everything. get off your high horse, no ones impressed if you one shot him.
now i dont think he needs to be nerfed, and i do NOT think hes unbeatable or unfair at all. He IS a hard fight, and should be.
Hes EASY with the correct champs, which is nice. but, otherwise hea nothing but a tough (yet beatable) fight.
i think both sides of the argument are just annoying. he doesnt need to be changed, you just need to listen to advice and advance with the game.
but no, hes not easy, in any sense unless youve been using ronan from the start.
But because it’s a difficult fight for a lot of players.
Especially if your coming off last EQ say Doing uncollected for the first time, then they arrive at this.
I don’t see why people can’t voice it or raise concerns, not everyone has to agree, I found it tricky, but after the first couple of fights you work out a solution and it’s much easier
Yeah, last uncollected was one of the easiest so far. So anyone thinking that their first uncollected experience is a sign of things to come and a consistent difficulty would be in for a shock this month.
I’m all for people giving their feedback and think it’s good for kabam to hear it. But I’m also all for people challenging others opinion and facilitating discussion and debate over whether things really are “too hard”. When there are 20+ Counters for one fight (I’ve just made a thread detailing each and every one of them) I just don’t think it’s ok to say something is too hard. It’s like saying realm of legends wolverine is too hard.
There is nobody that has an issue with those voicing that they have trouble this month.
There are several though who simply refuse to listen to tips handed to them stating that so many find it hard, something needs to be done. Which is not the case. It’s a hard fight if you don’t think and decide Ant-Man is the man for it. Good luck doing it with him. Thinking and using champs that counter his abilities. That’s what it is about. And boy have many people given solid information.
Willfully ignoring advice given for the sake of argument is what has caused sarcasm to enter the discussions. If people refuse to listen to advice given, and then act out in every possible way, they should just avoid the forums in the first place. Or at least avoid threads on the subject since they aren’t willing to listen anyway.
I get that the Adaptoid is hard for people, but the few percentages of players that frequent these forums as well, are hardly the measuring stick of the entire playerbase. Polls that were raised mean nothing. Literally nothing. So when x percentage votes on those stating he should be nerfed, it means again nothing.
It’s hard content, with equally hard counters that have been handed out in all manner of tips and tricks. No need to nerf the Adaptoid.
I have no problems, but if this came out a year ago, I would probably be dead haha
You have 30 days to figure him out ... have you tried working him out at Heroic level first?
Who are you using to fight him? I will admit he is a very difficult fight if you go in unprepared. But if you know what the counters are I think it becomes a very easy fight.
Why is it the case that if you are struggling, the game is wrong, because you shouldn't be struggling?
Not in master no. Uncollected sure. Fine. I'm not going to finish master this month. I'll be struggling to complete. You can forget explore.
Mainly because it's getting increasingly impossible to beat unless you have certain champs. Skill can only take people so far. Certain people aren't even able to beat Master Mode which is usually a joke to the Uncollected Players.
PS: Thanks Kabam for the cheesy Heimdall that made me laugh a lot xd
I have 5* LC unduped. 4* magic, sparky, Voodoo. AA to get me there. I am slowly getting better at defeating master mode daptoid. Just keep messing up. I really dont want to use revives and pots for master mode. I will get there. Complete. Not sure about explore. Too much time and energy spent. On plus side. I have to wait till end of the week to get T1 cosmic catalysts so i can rank my 3* Ronan. Then we'll see how that goes.
Yeah, if you can, dedicate the month to rank your Ronan to max rank. He will make the fight so easy you’ll wonder why you ever thought it was hard! Good luck!
Well technically if you're using revives or potions it is hard?
People keep saying that, but most of the time the "certain champs" ends up being dozens of champs. And while it is possible that a player might not have any of a long list of dozens of champs, at some point having a small roster is the same thing as having low ranked champions: it means your level of progress is insufficient for that difficulty level.
All you have to do to be uncollected is spend your way past the Collector. It doesn't mean the game guarantees you're ready for Uncollected, or even a free pass at Master.
In the thread where I’ve listed all the champs I think would do well against him, I have 23 counters listed, with an extra 5 or 6 good suggestions in the comments. In a game with 120 ish champs I think 28 counters is quite a large amount.
And if you do all that and still can’t pass it, it’s not the game - it’s probably you and you’re not there yet. Not gonna keep coddling people and telling them it’s just the hard game making it unfair. There’s lots of unfair things in life and the collector says hello, but this isn’t the hill to die on if you truly are at the level required to beat it.
the unstoppable that comes after lasts less than a parry, so you just need to parry him once and you can go in for the hit at the end of the stun.
just need to get used to not swooping in after a special.
I say that it’s hard with the wrong champs.
But I say it’s an easy fight if you’re prepared.
I also don’t spend any money.
The right champs can counter everything you say. Most counter 1 or 2 of his abilities, but some counter literally everything to the point he may as well be a normal adaptoid.
Anyone who says this fight is hard or harder than Guilly or Thanos is just annoyed because they got KO’d by them. Sure, you can have your opinion that the adaptoid is harder, but people can also have opinions that mud is sweeter than sugar. Doesn’t mean it’s a correct opinion to have.
now i dont think he needs to be nerfed, and i do NOT think hes unbeatable or unfair at all. He IS a hard fight, and should be.
Hes EASY with the correct champs, which is nice. but, otherwise hea nothing but a tough (yet beatable) fight.
i think both sides of the argument are just annoying. he doesnt need to be changed, you just need to listen to advice and advance with the game.
but no, hes not easy, in any sense unless youve been using ronan from the start.