if kabam fails to detect violations how alliance is supposed to do it and prevent it ?

we received mail from kabam about violation of game from one of the team member but name of the account is not mentioned,even they didnt mentioned nature of violation. kabam dont provide resources to us for detecting cheatcode users, detecting account sharing can not be detected even by kabam untill it been done. then how entire alliance is blamed for one persons action.
this looks a cheat from kabam as they closed the case without providing evidence of violation , they dont even bother to describe name of the person who had done violation. it seem to be a one side comunication where only kabam speaks and their word is final.
throwing allaince is unfair as it not a group of close relatives or friend who can share their account or can keep track what another person is doing.
if they can not comeout with a solution to prevent any violation they should blame their team not the alliance.
please let kabam know how worthless their rules and regulations are.
i love this game but i hate this worthless decision making of kabam.
i had lost my interest in game as we are spending our time and money to help organisation which dont care about the true followers of this game.
this looks a cheat from kabam as they closed the case without providing evidence of violation , they dont even bother to describe name of the person who had done violation. it seem to be a one side comunication where only kabam speaks and their word is final.
throwing allaince is unfair as it not a group of close relatives or friend who can share their account or can keep track what another person is doing.
if they can not comeout with a solution to prevent any violation they should blame their team not the alliance.
please let kabam know how worthless their rules and regulations are.
i love this game but i hate this worthless decision making of kabam.
i had lost my interest in game as we are spending our time and money to help organisation which dont care about the true followers of this game.
if kabam fails to detect violations how alliance is supposed to do it and prevent it ? 39 votes
Punctuation man...
Before stating they need to rewrite anything, did you go and disect the current policies and terms of service?
I’m fairly certain that most of what you describe is covered in there. No, I didn’t go and read through them. I think you didn’t either...
Actually, using proper grammar will help in people answering.
Most people don’t want to unravel a puzzle, especially when it’s a large puzzle.
Reconsidering the judgment, they won’t.
Reconsider for one alliance, would mean setting a precedent that would unleash hell.
The way punishment is dealt could be changed. I do feel a drop in war rating is warranted if cheating was involved. Might seem unfair, but an advantage was taken for all, even if it was just one person doing it.
However, they know the person that did it, so they should either blindly remove the person or ban them for more than a week.
If the latter, any alliance will notice player X not logging on anymore after being punished on rating. The next step shouldn’t need spelling out then.
my question for poll should make it easy for understanding it. which you had neglected totally because of your good thought to rectify my Grammer. thanks for that.
may i know how you get to the conclusion that they wont change the policy ? do you represent kabam ?
i am not against, banning or punishing unethical users. i will always support that. my question is why alliance is responsible for that ?( i hope my Grammer is proper. sorry, if it is not up to the mark)
kabam is just saying violation is done but they are not reveling, who did it, even after asking for it. is it fair? ( hope my Grammer is not distraction for you to understand )
sharing account, if alliance is supporting it, i understand, and they should be punished for it. is it not fair to know who had done it ?
you said read the rules and regulations, while my question was, whether kabam should reconsider their rules and regulation to make it fair.
i am really sorry if there is any punctuation or gramaticle mistake in this message or earlier which may divert your attention from main question raised. i hope you will forgive my grammatical mistakes and concentrate on question raised if you really wish to answer that.
or if you are not willing to do so we can end this conversation here with my apology for bad Grammer so people could understand the real question raised by me. you may consider, opening new poll whether proper Grammer should be used in poll or not.
again, my honest topologies for using bad Grammer.
( please dont mind if there are any spelling mistake too )
You think my feelings are hurt?
Re-read yourself..
No, I do not work for Kabam.
There are however (new) privacy laws and regulations that have been put in place not too long ago. Privacy regulations preventing from divulging personal information on any individual without said individual’s explicit consent.
Guess what no player has given? Their explicit consent to have their information made public to anyone.
This is not a simple case of re-writing some policy. There is actual law involved.
Simply put, if Kabam were to give out my information to anyone without my explicit consent, they open themselves for a lawsuit.
I have given Kabam my consent to save information regarding jyself for the purpose of the game. I have not given my explicit consent to give that information to anyone else.
Now, if a new policy were to be written, every single player will need to be notified completely and fully to the changes and will need to be asked whether or not they agree to those terms.
I’m not saying it can’t be done, but the legal ramifications of divulging personal information on another player is just not worth it at the moment. Changing the policy will still require them to safeguard personal information. And any person thinking clearly should never ever allow any company to hand oer their personal information to anyone.
For me, and I would like to think many others, it would be a reason to stop playing if that’s a rule that would be forced on me. Nobody gets my personal information unless I specifically give my consent on it. It’s my privacy, it’s protected. Kabam has no business sharing that with someone who thinks they’re more than a regular player because they have ‘leader’ posted to their name.
Because really, leader, officer, member. Nobody is anything more than another. You’re a customer in game. Your rights are no different than anyone else’s.
Does it suck? Sure. You get treated to the nasty underbelly of human behaviour when noone will own up to something they did. But privacy is a bigger concern than someone’s misplaced sense of importance in a game.
i repeat i am not blaming kabam for their policy but suggesting them to evaluate it. because even if killing is a crime punishment is not for the entire society where the killer live. only he should be punished for it. am i right or wrong ?
similarly if someone is giving excess to someone else to his or her account they should be banned not the entire team should be throne to stone tier from silver. i guest you are still not getting what i wish to convey. not your fault must be my Grammer mistakes.
apologies for wasting your time with my efforts to make you understand my concern.
They should just kick the person that cheats, if they cheat that removes their so called privacy. Don't like it? Don't cheat.
Con.respecto a la postura de compartir cuenta en mi mirada personal tengo la postura q en realidad no es perjudicial para nadie, el.que se siente perjudicado es por mal perdedor, si me parece tramposo y desleal el uso de hack
What the hell are you (and kabam) talking about? What kind of private informations would be disclosed with kabam revealing who cheated? An username which is already public to everyone?
This is just an expedient which allow them to do whatever they want, whenever they want.