New Character Idea: Heimdall

- Fights like Guillotine
- Bleed and Fury-based character
- Has ability to dash back and gain True Strike buff, also able to be gotten by not being hit (a la Karnak)

Heimdall begins the fight with 5 Bifröst charges, allowing him to teleport backwards to evade an opponent's attack. Heimdall gains 1 Bifröst charge for every bar of power the enemy expends when performing a special attack. (Opponent uses the L1= Heimdall gains 1 charge; opponent uses the L2 = Heimdall gains 2 charges; etc.) Mechanic is similar to Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

Signature Ability "Overseer": Heimdall has seen countless battles and has learned the tactics of his opponents, granting him the ability to counter ability accuracy and buff acquisition by [scales due to level, base: 25% max: 95%]

Character image for reference:

The primary focus of this character is to be able to control damage.

Please note that I do not own the image posted above, it is merely to serve as a reference. Let me know what you all think!


  • Ender_GuardianEnder_Guardian Member Posts: 26
    This character would be able to be incorporated in with the Thor: Ragnarok film coming this November
  • Ender_GuardianEnder_Guardian Member Posts: 26
    This character would belong to the COSMIC class.
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