New Character Idea: Lady Sif

- Character image (concept):
- Dual Mode character: Huntress/Warrior
- Sif Separated Swords (concept):
- In Huntress mode, Sif fights like Moon Knight, and attacks focus on Critical Hit Rate
- Sif Double Sword (concept):
- In Warrior mode, Sif fights like Drax, and attacks focus on fury
- Dash back and hold equips more Armor for Sif (a la Rocket)
- Special Attack 1: Heimdall opens the Bifröst and Sif teleports right in front of her opponent. This special attack changes her mode of combat. If entering Huntress mode, Sif ends the attack with a spinning strike (like Gambit's medium attack), if entering Warrior mode, Sif swings her blades down on the opponent like Drax's first special
- Special Attack 2: In Huntress mode, a similar attack to Moon Knight's L2. In Warrior mode, a similar attack to Drax's L2.
- Sif is a glass cannon, High Attack and Damage Output, but low on health
- Whenever Sif changes combat modes, all buffs she has are eliminated

Please note that I do not own the images featured in this post, they are merely attached to provide a reference image.

Let me know what you guys think!


  • Ender_GuardianEnder_Guardian Member Posts: 26
    This character would also work well with the upcoming movie Thor: Ragnarok, and the fact that Sif was teased in the Modok Mo'Problems event quest animation
  • Ender_GuardianEnder_Guardian Member Posts: 26
    This character would belong to the COSMIC class.
  • Ender_GuardianEnder_Guardian Member Posts: 26
    My mistake... it's Moon Knight, not Gambit that has the spin for their medium attack... oops
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