6 Star shards - Pop or Wait?

I am eager to pop my first ever 6 Star champ and am currently sitting on 9.8k. I'm wondering, should i pop now or wait til better champs keep getting to the pool? Got 3 4/55 champs so can hold i guess but hoping for the 6 star to carry me further.
6 Star shards - Pop or Wait? 101 votes
I'd wait till the 11th great group being added
Why is it 9/11????? I remember that was the date Mario Maker was released for WiiU like 3 years ago....maybe it’s so people will remember the date...
It's worth waiting for sure but that's the right attitude lol. I waited for Void to be added last time and pulled DPX...
It's 9/11 after the weekly maintenance.
Hey man, storm isn’t all that bad (if duped) I once fought her as a 4* and I’m full aware of her sig ability. But she used a sp 2 on me and took out all my health. I was at 100% health with no power might I add
Or DD. I hate DD. That orange clown mocks me. I would take any one of those over DD except maybe Jugg. That is a bad pull.
I remember 9/11 for other reasons.
Congrats! I waited and pulled Loki.