Should I upgrade Magic or Ultron to R4 first?
Plain and simple according to the tier Magic is the best of the best but a lot people say Ultron is very useful due to his double immune. What should I do?
First, any "tier" you're looking at is just one person's opinion.
Second, you rank up Magik of course.
Admittedly, I played in an alliance full of R4 Magiks, so I didn’t need her for AW D. And the combo of R3 5* and 5/50 4* Magik was sufficient to handle everything thrown at me that demanded power lock.
If I had it to do all over again, I’m not sure I would change. Duped Magik, probably. But not unduped.
Not trying to pick a fight. Just a different data point.
Dr. Zola
Everyone saying Magik is a no brainer. I’m new to the game can someone break down why she is so good.
Here’s some of the magic from Magik... Once awoken, with every bar of power you gain, you have a chance to get into “Limbo”... all damage you take will get reversed when Limbo ends. Also you have the option to nullify buffs via sp1 and with sp2 you can control the opponents power; steal it and lock it. On top of that your sp3 will pulverise opponents if they have a lot of buffs on them.