What about gold??

SunnyJim_123SunnyJim_123 Member Posts: 78
I very rarely post anything on here but I have just got say... I downloaded this game about 4 months after its release and there was a real gold shortage at the start so kabam very kindly gave us a month long gold realm so everyone could stock (me being one of them) but since then there has been no real big introductions of gold but taking how easy it is to get champs now it is needed so much more!!

I have just finished 5 weeks of (what I would call) grinding on arena for BC, opened 100 crystals and got approx 1.8m gold... that unfortunatly went in the blink of an eye!!

I would just like to know from the game team is my only answer to gold shortage to spend units on gold crystals as you have NEVER addressed any thread relating to the gold shortage approx 80% of the community is experiencing.

I implore you to please add a gold realm along side of the halls of healing during the summoner appreciation

Thanks in advance of not responding to my post

Summoner sunny jîm


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,079 ★★★★★
    You have a 20% boost to gold. This is better than gold realmsif you take advantage of it correctly.
    Generally the people that have gold problems are the ones that don't play arena that much. In other words, they want gold without having to do that much to get it ...
  • SunnyJim_123SunnyJim_123 Member Posts: 78
    it certainly helps but you can’t say it’s better than a gold realm itself!! Still dosent help when I need millions not thousands!!

    At my peak I had over 15m gold and I earned it but now I’m down to less than 1m, I’m not asking them to give gold away for nowt but why won’t they introduce a gold realm when the community have been asking for it over halls of healing!!
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    You have a 20% boost to gold. This is better than gold realmsif you take advantage of it correctly.
    Generally the people that have gold problems are the ones that don't play arena that much. In other words, they want gold without having to do that much to get it ...

    I grind all arenas every day and after taking 5* AA to rank 4 and 5* GR to rank 3 I'm down to just under 2m
  • Hyperi0n8301Hyperi0n8301 Member Posts: 9
    Will-o-wisp, joy would literally have to grind your heart away in to get gold realm level gold from that 20% boost. If you grinded arena for an hour and got say, 50,000 gold; you’d only get 10,000 extra(60,000 total). If gold realm came back, you could get around 250,000 gold every 24 hours, in probably under an hour, or maybe just over that.
  • MayhemMayhem Member Posts: 91
    Personally I think gold is a completely stupid part of the game. There are so many different types of "currency" where having gold just doesn't make sense. You have basic catalysts, class catalysts, alpha catalysts, gold, ISO, and that's just to upgrade someone. They should get rid of gold completely IMO. I don't know of anyone who purchases gold crystals so it's not like Kabam would lose out on anything there. It's just a pointless currency that you either get a ridiculous amount of or have none of. No middle ground. #getridofgold
  • GaanjGaanj Member Posts: 33
    Kabam is aware of gold shortage. They're planning to continue holding that over your head.
  • SunnyJim_123SunnyJim_123 Member Posts: 78
  • Strikerrx8Strikerrx8 Member Posts: 1,090 ★★★
    There right gold is a huge problem in the game n my only issue with it
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