Wrong AW map for tier 4
Member Posts: 296 ★
We just lost a war in tier 3 and now back in tier 4, but we still get the map for tier 3 with the multiplier for tier 4. So we get less score for playing a harder map. Everyone in the alliance is seeing the same thing. We tried contacting the support but they havent been of any help. This means either missed score and/or bad placement if the map changes when we hit the attack phase.
When different tier alliances are matched in AW it is possible for maps to be used that only apply to one of the matches alliances. This can only happen if both alliances are on the border of their AW tier, my alliance (tier 3) got matched with a tier 4 alliance a week or two ago and the AW Map was the one used in tier 4 and below. In your case the map used was the one used in tier 1-3.
I don’t know the specifics of how which Map is used in these situations. Since AW Seasons is a high pressure game mode, it would reduce player frustration if Kabam explained what goes on when this happens.
Actually, it is fair. It would be more unfair to alter the Multiplier based on where the Opponent is at. Each Ally plays with the Multiplier they're at. Its just the Map that is randomly chosen.
But this season is shorter so it has a potential bigger impact.
The difference in map difficulty between is tier 3 is tier 4 is big.
While we are at tier6 (war rating 1642) we are playing a challenger map!
This is terribly unfair because we will need to spoil much more items!!!
The other alliance get more points from us...