5* dr strange
Ok so im sure there has been posts about this before but whatever im gonna post it again. Why do we not have a 5* dr strange in game. I know pre 12.0 he was OP (not really only somewhat) but now we got champs like corvus and domino and more and more powerful guys. Would releasing a 5* strange be so game breaking at this point? Cause i doubt it but could be a good counter to champs like say korg. So lets dissect strange for a minuet what does he have. Constant powergain (which hyperion has) regen (Ghostrider blade and even hyperion has this as well) and an armor buff. Seriously why keep him so guarded as to not release him or SW for that matter as a 5* we need more dependable energy only dealing champs and he was one of the better ones cause we know no one wants to use magneto.
DS as he is now could easily be made into a 5* to give him some relevance again. He would now be okay, and indeed not anywhere near the champs released in the last year.
Iron Paitriot
Netflix Daredevil
Thor Jane Foster
and the legendary....
If you ever saw Witch with a full crit rate team you’d know why this statement is wrong. SW was utterly, utterly faceroll.