A Vote for Equal Item Allotment and Usage in War..

... would be a truer test of which alliance is more skilled, has better champs, has a better strategy, etc. Most of the wars our alliance has lost showed that we had more defender kills by at least a 2-1 margin (3-1 in some cases). Is this not the most telling statistic, in terms of placement, skill and stategy, as to which alliance performed better? What we have now is either poor game design, greed, or both; regardless, it results in a much less competitive contest, where the team with the most goodies in their war chest wins.
It's time to equalize the resources and see which alliance truly understands and plays the game better.
It's time to equalize the resources and see which alliance truly understands and plays the game better.
You can beat a team by a 2-1 margin in DKs and still have a lower attack bonus.
Also, there is a limit in place. 15 items.
Also also... sigh
Also also also... socialism doesn't work in competitive video games.
it is likely that most of their death came from only a few nodes......
meaning they dont lose much bonus.....
whilst alot of yours probably came from one here, and one there kinda thing.....
no one mentioned communism being socialism
That's not what (s)he said. Most of those taxes don't actually benefit society but whatever.