Proxima Midnight

DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
I pulled a 4* PM recently, how good is she? I also have a Cosmic AG, does she get better when awakening? Is she good for AW attack or defense? I already have a lot of cosmic options (I have Thor, 5* Angela, and 4* Hela which I don't use), so is Proxima Midnight special and should I get her to 4/40 and replace Thor?


  • SKOutsiderSKOutsider Member Posts: 117 ★★
    Proxima is a glass cannon.

    She takes a while to get ramped up but when she does then she hits like a tank.

    She has a very, very high skill cap compared to other champs and is only really good as an attacker or for a diversity choice.

    She can wreck IMIW as a heads up as she will always parry his basic attacks.

    In short, if you need an counter to IMIW in war on your lane then yes she’s great, if not then I’d advise saving the cosmic gem and waiting for someone like Corvus or Medusa.
  • SKOutsiderSKOutsider Member Posts: 117 ★★
    Currently have her as a 5* Duped and as a r4.

    Sorta regret that choice.
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    SKOutsider wrote: »
    Proxima is a glass cannon.

    She takes a while to get ramped up but when she does then she hits like a tank.

    She has a very, very high skill cap compared to other champs and is only really good as an attacker or for a diversity choice.

    She can wreck IMIW as a heads up as she will always parry his basic attacks.

    In short, if you need an counter to IMIW in war on your lane then yes she’s great, if not then I’d advise saving the cosmic gem and waiting for someone like Corvus or Medusa.

    Alright, so let's say I get Corvus as a 4*, should I awaken him and should he take a place in my attack team instead of Thor? For Medusa, I know I will definitely awaken and use her, but I have no clue when I will pull her so..
  • SKOutsiderSKOutsider Member Posts: 117 ★★
    I’d save the gem for Medusa.

    Corvus doesn’t need to be awakened but he’s currently my favourite champ in game.

    The moment you get him I suggest taking him up no matter what.

    Corvus is one of the best....if not the best....attackers/attacker in game.
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey The_Unknown, I recommend that you take some time to review the Champion Spotlight for Proxima Midnight, located HERE.

    While it may not answer all of your questions, it should help you to gain an understanding of this Champion's abilities, strengths and weaknesses!
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,198 ★★★★★
    I've got her recently; and she clearly has her uses (taking out autoblock and projectile champs). However I would never use an AG with her unless and until I'm taking aim at LOL. Outside there, what proportion of your fights do you get over 100-hit combos in? That's how often her Sig will be useful.

    How often do you have a fight lasting more than nine seconds? That's how often Medusa's Sig will be useful (as that's how long it takes her to get to three Furies). Hyperion, Corvus, Drax, even Gamora get far more use of of their Sig abilities (although clearly don't use one on Gamora, either).
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