
Hi guys,
Yesterday I was playing the game and I met Iceman. I fought it with my own Iceman and it seems that Iceman is not cold immune, so he received damage from the coldsnap and the other cold charges...
Is there any logical reason for that?
I have 3 suggestions:
- make the Iceman cold immune
- Red Hulk should be able to shrug off the cold snap and the cold charges - speed should depend on how many heat charges he have
- maybe the cold damage should be coloured in blue?
Yesterday I was playing the game and I met Iceman. I fought it with my own Iceman and it seems that Iceman is not cold immune, so he received damage from the coldsnap and the other cold charges...
Is there any logical reason for that?
I have 3 suggestions:
- make the Iceman cold immune
- Red Hulk should be able to shrug off the cold snap and the cold charges - speed should depend on how many heat charges he have
- maybe the cold damage should be coloured in blue?
In the meantime, certain champions can help you against coldsnap, like Sabretooth and Mephisto.
Sorry but your argumentation is wrong. I understand that some things can be simplified as it is a game. But it is still not explaining anything.
How come creature made entirely of ice, can be hurt by cold... it is nonsense. He should hurt himself.
Maybe it's because he is triple immune already
For the same reason why ghost rider can take damage from incinerate.
How come a creature made entirely of ice doesnt melt when standing inside an aura made of fire from hell? Its nonsense
But GR fire does not Incinerate as it was described by Kabam as different type of fire as for Dormammu.
I am not telling this is okay, but still this logic does not explain cold-cold damage
Making him Immune to coldsnap isn't game breaking. There's only one champ with that ability so how is it game breaking ? If ur only purpose here is to argue then go do it somewhere else and put on ur big girl panties.
This change would not affect most of the fights only Iceman vs Iceman as mentioned above. This is the only possible change. I understand that nothing in this game have sense, however if other things can be explained, this one in my opinion could not.
Still I am saying that this should be changed. Altogether with Rulk addition to cold resistant and not cold immune.
The same way a creature made of fire (Ghost Rider) is not inmune to fire damage. It is the game logic, not logic logic.
But the Iceman situation is still different
He has relatively high health and somewhat low attack. As such, he relies on cold charges to deal serious damage. If two Icemans (Icemen?) fight, the battle already takes quite some time, due to Iceman's high health, ice armor, and whatever. If Iceman was cold immune, the fight would take even longer, due to the fact that it would just be, to a less dramatic extent, a fight between two Groots. This effect if intensified by a battle where the defender is greatly stronger than the attacker. Just, overall, not too good an idea. Iceman is the only champ that has cold debuffs, so I don't think he can be given cold debuffs by any other champ anyway.
Being a fictional world is enough of a reason for him to not be immune to coldsnap. Imagine it like if it was reiatsu. You use it to affect those around you without affecting yourself, but another one can do the same to you.
Iceman is immune to his own coldsnap, but he isn't immune to another iceman coldsnap.
He's actually made up of pixels and info, ones and zeros
True like maybe someone is immune to fire but not the fire that is made from aonther enemy, it might not burn but still hurts and causes damage. Like the fire from the enemy might have a different composer than regular fire.