Homophobic censoring in global chat

I'm curious as to why the words "gay","homosexual", "lesbian" and "bisexual" are censored in global chat where as "heterosexual" is not? It perpetuates homophobia by implying that these words are negative. They are not inherently negative and by censoring them it insults LGBT* players and alliances. They should be allowed in global chat.
*Transexual is allowed, most likely due to oversight.
*Transexual is allowed, most likely due to oversight.
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That's where reporting comes in. And adding the words is the PC thing to do.
they are not insulting words....
swear words should be censored yes....
but if you censored every word because "it can" be used as an insult then words like tool, monkey, donkey etc should be censored also....
also why are words like "but" censored... because it is similar to "butt"....
cmon that is a basic word that needs to be used very often. it makes it very hard to use in game chat when words like that are censored...
and lets face it people that really want to use swear words and insult people will find a way around the censor. generally by using unicode characters and such instead of letters.
the fact is people trying to be 'PC" is often more insulting than what may have been said otherwise.
I get that they don't intend to come off as homophobic, but it still perpetuates the negative mindset of the words. The report function should be used if the words are used in a derogatory manner, that's what the report function is there for. The global chat is always filled with inappropriate things including overtly sexual topics. These words do not fall into overtly sexual topics. It sucks being in a LGBT alliance and having to tiptoe our word choice when recruiting.
I'm not bothered by it. I was taken aback when I discovered the word "Gay" was censored, so I brought it up. After some forethought, I remembered what environment I'm in. Lol. I get why.
well sexuality does play a part in marvel characters.
Deadpool is openly Bi-Sexual.
Angela is Lesbian whos girlfriend is a Transexual
i dont think any other characters in game at this point fall into the LGBT category (i may be mistaken), but there certainly are others in the marvel universe.
so we should be able to talk about that in the game chat but as it stands atm we cannot.
That reasoning is just sweeping the issue under the rug. Of course you don't care if it doesn't apply to you. If I wanted to discuss the gay marriage of Marvel characters Northstar and Jinadu, or really any LBGT characters I would have a difficult time.
I don't need schooled in the presence of Homosexuality in Marvel. I'm quite aware. We have children Ages 13 and up, and in some cases lower, playing. While the Rating is Teen, parents still let their children play. In any event, it's a game. The central focus is playing. Not Sexual Identity or Sexuality.
I'm respective to the sensitivity to the subject. I have a lifetime of experience.
no need to give me that kind of attitude dude......
seriously i was replying to this sentence from you "I don't think Sexuality should really come up in a game such as this".... well if i wanna talk to someone bout angela or deadpool it is very possible that it might come up in conversation. so yeah it does have a place.
also too the fact that people under 13 play is irrelevant. the game is rated 13+ aslong as all content is appropriate for those above 13 that is all that matters. ratings are there for a reason. your point here is invalid as it is like saying a movie rated 18+ has to conform to the fact that no doubt there will be 15yr olds watching it. NO that is not how ratings work. but really this is irrelevant to anything. does not even fit with this conversation.
but seriously dude the attitude in which you responded to my post is very offputting and absolutely uncallled for.
I am assuming that the reason the words are blocked are because they are often used as slurs and can be construed as an insult depending on the user and the context.
these words are not insulting by nature so should not be blocked.
unless you also block every word that could be used as an insult.
Finally, after all the failed attempts. I finally tried to thwart off attempts by letting them know I had a wife. That trippled their attempts. 😂😂😂😂
And that's why I don't play on global.
Why bother yourself?
I'd check out the company making this software. My guess is that they're promoting 'family', ie. outdated 50s values.
the point is there is no need for them to be censored at all......
i am commenting here because i think the censor kabam use is stupid. it blocks out so many words that are just normal words. "BUT" "EXIT" so many more. yet i can type "A$$"
there is just no need for these words to be blocked they are not bad words.... there are reason to use them. What if a homosexual person is having a chat with someone and decides to mention they are gay? they cant do that....
as far as these words can be used as insults well if that is the case why can i type "TOOL" "MONKEY" "DONKEY" "COCONUT" "MALAKA"
There is a point... People misuse those words far more than other words. Kabam has an age rating on their game of 13+, there are parents out there who would hate to see their kids in a game where people on global who talk about such things. The filter is more for Kabam's own protection than anything. I realize there are ways to bypass the filter, but that is always the case in any game.
The point is that there is no reason to use these words in the game. If you are feeling the need to tell people that you are "gay" or whatever else, the game is not the place to do so. It is not a dating app, it is not somewhere to try to talk about your personal issues, it is not somewhere to talk politics. Pretty much any controversial topic does not belong in the chat. It is in Kabam's best interest to keep profanity off of the global chat, so if they need to censor certain words than so be it.
In the end it's just global chat, we all know that most of what's on there is not important anyway, so why waste your time worrying about what words are censored there? Just enjoy the game for what it is, a game.
but if i am wanting to talk about deadpool being bi-sexual or other gay marvel characters i cannot.
so ur saying it is ok for them to block the word "gay" or the word "homosexual" because it could be used to hurt someones feelings even though they are not insulting words. whilst i can freely type "malaka" which is only ever used as an insult?????
the game has a rating of 13+ yes. but homosexual or gay are not the worst words that these kids use.
yes censor the words f**k and s**t and d**k and n***a and po***er and w****r and similar but homosexual does not belong on the list. just as "but" does not
You could give most people a kitchen knife without worrying it would be used in a bad way....but you wouldn't leave it in reach of a 4 year old.
There are kids playing this game an it's not for you to decide what words they should get exposed to. That's down to their parents when they feel they feel it necessary.
Didn't want to say it as harsh as this in case one of the mods was sensitive to the subject, but yes completely agree with what you said.
For the record, I'm a straight guy, and it matters to me. A change of censor would perform the same role without this regressive idiocy baked in.