Who are the 'better champions' for act 4 and to takedown maestro?
Im quite close to completing act 4 and im just wondering if there are great champions to take down maestro. Currently i have 5* medusa, 4* voodoo and 4* Vision as 'good' champs and a bunch of mediocre 4/40 stars
Guess who i used to take down Maestro.
It was CB. Guess how many tries...once and I have never gotten hit from Maestro. (of course there were blocked hits).
You will be fine
I am at Act 4 Chapter 4 Quest 4..(Groot)
R4 4* CapWW2, duped
R4 4* Guilly, unduped
R4 4* AA, unduped
I have a r1 3* WS and CB simply for the synergies. I am currently 2 fights short of Maestro, waiting on energy.
If you have Guillotine, practise with her special 2 and it is training for Realm of Legend's Wolverine.