**May 8th - HOT FIX INCOMING**
Hey Summoners,
A Hot Fix will be pushed to all stores shortly. This will address a bug causing crashes on some iOS devices. Please keep an eye out and update when you're able.
Thank you!

Want T4CC, T4 basic and a lot of alpha's? Come and check us out! (New alliance made today) 18spots

30alliance members 6-8from America or Australia. 22-24from Europe.
50-150k 8players (min 0.4 max 1.2)
150-250k 8players (min 1.2 max 2.0)
250-350k 8players (min 2.0 max 2.8)
350-inf k 6players (min 2.1 max 4.0)

The nice new future of the Alliance Quest gives us a chance of keeping the prestige low but still arm for high. Everyone will benefit from the rewards as long as they do their best.

LINE is a must. Also communicating with your bg officers is a must! Be online at least 3times a day for the best progression and keep in contact on LINE as much as possible for your hobbylife.

Bg1: 5-3-5-3-5
Bg2: 3-3-3-3-3
Bg3: 3-2-3-2-3

Donations: 20k gold - 5k bc - 2k loyalty
Work towards map5! Future plans may change.
If you want to get higher and do more then contact an officer or the leader! Also when you donate you are in for a whole week! So join the right bg! If you join the wrong one you take someone else his/her spot! And thats not cool! So know what you're up to and message an officer or leader if something in that week comes up! Also you have a chance of switching with a player midweek, it works the same as at your job. Tell an officer or leader about the swap and wait till you have an "Ok".

AW: Aiming for gold1 and be active in you AW group chats!

Minimum event scores:
Item use -1500
Completion - 8000
Champion use - 30k

Don't sell champs! Don't use mods or piloting! Don't be rude or mean!

What to do if you want to become an officer? Be active, be nice, talk a lot with the leadership and help out others. Earn your spot.

We do get that people have families and other things to do but please talk to your bg officers and tell them ahead of time! If something happens that day to you, please let us know as soon as possible. We won't get mad that fast ๐Ÿ˜œ 3strikes and you will be up for debate on kicking. We might say: give him/her another try.


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    TriasEUTriasEU Posts: 110 โ˜…
    Still looking also in for a merge but preferable on our alliance.
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    Ffnmvigyivygyvk_2Ffnmvigyivygyvk_2 Posts: 78 โ˜…
    Hit me up on Line ffnmvigyivygyvk we have a 5x5 and 4x5 BG and we are an AW focused sister alliance of a 5x5 13mil alliance. We would love to have you guys
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    Are you guys still looking for players?
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    FreedomCrusadeFreedomCrusade Posts: 14 โ˜…
    You still looking for players?
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    RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Posts: 1,003 โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…
    I am the leader of an alliance that is holding me back. It got dropped in my lap by the former leader almost 2 months after I joined. The only map we can beat consistently is 2 because half the time it's only myself and my officers. I am hoping for an alliance that does map 5 most of the time with map 4 for off days. I can't advance any further until I can start earning t4cc, t4bc and alphas, and only my officers and I can do the required content but it's too much. I was gonna make my #1 officer leader, but all my top talent wants to follow me. So I'm looking for room for about 6 total.
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    Jmd82Jmd82 Posts: 60 โ˜…
    I am the leader of an alliance that is holding me back. It got dropped in my lap by the former leader almost 2 months after I joined. The only map we can beat consistently is 2 because half the time it's only myself and my officers. I am hoping for an alliance that does map 5 most of the time with map 4 for off days. I can't advance any further until I can start earning t4cc, t4bc and alphas, and only my officers and I can do the required content but it's too much. I was gonna make my #1 officer leader, but all my top talent wants to follow me. So I'm looking for room for about 6 total.

    We don't run map5 but run map 4 everyday maybe could squeeze you in add me in game jmd82 or same name on line
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    TriasEUTriasEU Posts: 110 โ˜…
    I am the leader of an alliance that is holding me back. It got dropped in my lap by the former leader almost 2 months after I joined. The only map we can beat consistently is 2 because half the time it's only myself and my officers. I am hoping for an alliance that does map 5 most of the time with map 4 for off days. I can't advance any further until I can start earning t4cc, t4bc and alphas, and only my officers and I can do the required content but it's too much. I was gonna make my #1 officer leader, but all my top talent wants to follow me. So I'm looking for room for about 6 total.
    Hey man! Yes I'm still looking, if you and all your mates send me an invite on LINE and we can talk about the merge ;) Also how is your alliance called now if I may ask?
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    TriasEUTriasEU Posts: 110 โ˜…
    Are you guys still looking for players?
    Yes bud ;) still looking, add me on LINE
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    TriasEUTriasEU Posts: 110 โ˜…
    You still looking for players?
    Yes mate, just add me in game or on LINE ;)
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    Are you guys still looking for players?
    Yes bud ;) still looking, add me on LINE

    Whats your line id?
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    TriasEUTriasEU Posts: 110 โ˜…
    Now searching for players between 50-350k! get your chance now! SA is almost over so come over and make this alliance great! :smile:
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    TriasEUTriasEU Posts: 110 โ˜…
    Recruitment is going real good! only 15places left! add me on LINE or ingame add TriasEU
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    TriasEUTriasEU Posts: 110 โ˜…
    Still looking for 13spots! Please add me on LINE or ingame TriasEU
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    TriasEUTriasEU Posts: 110 โ˜…
    Looking for 13players between the rating of 50-350k! add on LINE
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    TriasEUTriasEU Posts: 110 โ˜…
    Hey all! After some amazing accomplishments we are searching for 1new player. Searching for someone that can do map5. If you think you fit in please let us know! we changed some things so not everything in the post above is relevant but we will inform you with all the info you need! Add me on LINE or ingame. TriasEU
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    TriasEUTriasEU Posts: 110 โ˜…
    Searching for 2people now :'( People leaving because the game is bugged for them.. Searching for a player around 150k that wants to learn more about the game and a 350k player that can do map5! Let me know in here or add me ingame or on LINE TriasEU.
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    TriasEUTriasEU Posts: 110 โ˜…
    Hey gents and duddetes, we have 2spots open again! Come and check us out! Map5 and map3 but mostly map5. Donations are doable if you keep the rewards from AQ. AW tier9 so we get 5* shards. 3bgs ofcourse and set paths! LINE required so add me TriasEU
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