Summoner Level 99... WTH Kabam!!!

So now Mystic Dispersion requires summoners to be level 99... I've been playing this game for little over 4 years... never seen or heard of a summoner level 99... sounds like a conspiracy to me, or just plain Kabammed...



  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Read the thread where they announced changes to MD ...
  • AKTEKAKTEK Member Posts: 316 ★★
    So now Mystic Dispersion requires summoners to be level 99... I've been playing this game for little over 4 years... never seen or heard of a summoner level 99... sounds like a conspiracy to me, or just plain ****...


    They have locked our md mastry that's why lvl 99.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,782 ★★★★★
    So now Mystic Dispersion requires summoners to be level 99... I've been playing this game for little over 4 years... never seen or heard of a summoner level 99... sounds like a conspiracy to me, or just plain ****...


    Wow.......Maybe try and stay up with the news
  • GladiatorMatt26GladiatorMatt26 Member Posts: 55
    Should have just made it 61 rather than 99... that might be more 'obtainable'... #RantingAtThisPoint
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  • GladiatorMatt26GladiatorMatt26 Member Posts: 55
    @Demonzfyre thanks kid, but some of us have lives outside the game... #JustSaying
  • John757John757 Member Posts: 1,087 ★★★
    @Demonzfyre thanks kid, but some of us have lives outside the game... #JustSaying

    #toolazy #lackofreadingcomprehsion
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  • GladiatorMatt26GladiatorMatt26 Member Posts: 55
    edited September 2018
    @John757... #OkaySpiderGwen
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  • John757John757 Member Posts: 1,087 ★★★
    @John... #OkaySpiderGwen

    #noonecaresaboutprofilepics #ineverhavetoaskquestionsaboutstuffthatsalreadybeencovered
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,782 ★★★★★
    @Demonzfyre thanks kid, but some of us have lives outside the game... #JustSaying

    Finding that post took all of 1 minute. You couldn't do the research to find the information plus you created a post spitting false statements calling it a conspiracy. Now you look silly because you believed they raised the cap and asked for it to be 61 instead of 99. Also, I'm not a kid but you are acting like one.
  • GladiatorMatt26GladiatorMatt26 Member Posts: 55
    edited September 2018
    @Demonzfyre, you completely missed the ' ' around obtainable when mentioning the summoner level 61... #Sarcasm101 #TryAgain
  • Noob2435Noob2435 Member Posts: 627 ★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »

    Finding that post took all of 1 minute. You couldn't do the research to find the information plus you created a post spitting false statements calling it a conspiracy. Now you look silly because you believed they raised the cap and asked for it to be 61 instead of 99. Also, I'm not a kid but you are acting like one.

    People like you are so annoying, you guys click on this thread knowing damn well what it is about than complain. You do that to every thread, you're not the forum police.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,782 ★★★★★
    Noob2435 wrote: »

    People like you are so annoying, you guys click on this thread knowing damn well what it is about than complain. You do that to every thread, you're not the forum police.

    @Noob2435 why would you ever defend that guy? 3 us gave him information right off the bat. Then he goes off insulting people helping but yet we are the bad guy because this super cool guy asks a really poorly thought out question that could've been answered through just a little bit of research?
    I'm not policing anyone but when someone acts the way he does, he deserves more but I am going to refrain myself on here.
  • GladiatorMatt26GladiatorMatt26 Member Posts: 55
    @Demonzfyre, doubt you can do much on or off here... #SoYeahRefrainYourself
  • UlysseOdysseus75UlysseOdysseus75 Member Posts: 188
    Just give him the answer and go next stop procrastinate
  • DiablosUltimateDiablosUltimate Member Posts: 1,021 ★★★
    edited September 2018
    This thread is even more r3tarded than netmarble management
  • JustLaCopeJustLaCope Member Posts: 34
    Question asked, answer recieved.

    Close the discussion.
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  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »

    @Noob2435 why would you ever defend that guy? 3 us gave him information right off the bat. Then he goes off insulting people helping but yet we are the bad guy because this super cool guy asks a really poorly thought out question that could've been answered through just a little bit of research?
    I'm not policing anyone but when someone acts the way he does, he deserves more but I am going to refrain myself on here.

    You are policing. You're one of the reasons I don't like coming here anymore. You say the guy here is being rude and that's true, but even someone asks a question, gets an answer and isn't rude to whoever answer, you still get in there to be very hostile yourself, seemingly just because you like to be hostile.

    You've bit my head of several times when I answered questions like these. Telling me I shouldn't answer because they'll never learn and telling that if I answer, how I have to do it. Really? I don't want to link them to a long post, they clearly ask questions because they don't want to read those long posts. So I answer them in my own words (which is usually easier to understand too, especially people that might not be great at English are sometimes is need of "translation") but no, then there you are all butt hurt because someone got a nice answer and thanked people for answering them.
  • Al_AhadHKGNAl_AhadHKGN Member Posts: 126
    edited September 2018
    Noob2435 wrote: »

    People like you are so annoying, you guys click on this thread knowing damn well what it is about than complain. You do that to every thread, you're not the forum police.

  • ShadowBlade075ShadowBlade075 Member Posts: 126
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