Using my 5* Generic Awakening Gem

How does one decide to use their generic gem? I finished Act 5 in Feb/March and have been holding on to it ever since. Meantime I have chaps that are worthy, but I can't quite pull the trigger. Its like no matter who I get, I feel like the next pull might be the one, but then it isn't.
So instead of naming the champs, I just want to hear from those who only have the one gem (no LOL 100%) and decided to use it...why did you choose a particular champ? If AGs were more readily available, I doubt this would be an issue, but until then I am struggling on how to decide.
So instead of naming the champs, I just want to hear from those who only have the one gem (no LOL 100%) and decided to use it...why did you choose a particular champ? If AGs were more readily available, I doubt this would be an issue, but until then I am struggling on how to decide.
I had a great champ sitting there, idling. I awakened him, popped a bunch of stones into him, made him r4 and cleared an initial run of LoL the other day.
The reason to do SL for me was simply that the chances of pulling him twice are low (at least, any time soon), and for me, he is the better answer than Sparky, since maintaining a streak is easier than building poise without getting clipped.
I used it on him for the sole purpose of content yet to be done, and I'm fairly certain he will continue to be an asset in just about any content.
Waiting around for that next 'better champ' or thinking 'what if I use it and then dupe...' is logical, definitely, but I'm playing the game, and planning ahead based on RNG is just near impossible. I'm glad I did awaken him, he is a great champ.
Great advice though - thanks.
I think with the announcement that Emma Frost is entering the game, I might give it to her if I am lucky enough to pull her (and her sig ability is worth it).
That would have been my single reason to hold on to it.
I'm holding the class awakenings atm because I want to take another shot at the featured 5* crystal, would be a shame to use them before knowing nothing came out of that :-)
Besides, I have a nice roster, no urgent need to pop a gem on one now.
No regrets
I too hold that gem for 7-8 months
She is definitely in the running as I have never pulled a cosmic AG. If I gave it to her, I could take her to 4/55 and 5/65.
I gave her generic awakening and she's good in both offence and defence
I also used a science on Void and have never been happier - had I not pulled the science gem, my generic would have gone to Void. Great champ, love playing with him.
Used the generic on void and would do it again 10/10 times
Just my thoughts. You’re gonna use a gem, stretch it’s value to all parts of the game.
I used mine on Morningstar, not upset about it. There's a chance i'll use my 2nd one on domino though she is rather delightful. Wouldn't consider medusa really at this point, and HELL NO to star lord
I was gonna use mine on Morningstar as well but got lucky after pulling a Mystic from my first LOL path last week.
Don't think I'll be using my generic AG any time soon. Got a Mutant and Cosmic gem as well.
you need a lot of luck for lol