Using my 5* Generic Awakening Gem

Star_Lord_Star_Lord_ Member Posts: 528 ★★★
How does one decide to use their generic gem? I finished Act 5 in Feb/March and have been holding on to it ever since. Meantime I have chaps that are worthy, but I can't quite pull the trigger. Its like no matter who I get, I feel like the next pull might be the one, but then it isn't.

So instead of naming the champs, I just want to hear from those who only have the one gem (no LOL 100%) and decided to use it...why did you choose a particular champ? If AGs were more readily available, I doubt this would be an issue, but until then I am struggling on how to decide.



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  • Star_Lord_Star_Lord_ Member Posts: 528 ★★★
    @Bapoi If my SL was not awakened 4/55 I would definitely have used it on him (one of my favorite champs).

    Great advice though - thanks.

    I think with the announcement that Emma Frost is entering the game, I might give it to her if I am lucky enough to pull her (and her sig ability is worth it).
  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    That's definitely a thing to do, hold on for a while to use on a champ you haven't got a class awakening for.
    That would have been my single reason to hold on to it.
    I'm holding the class awakenings atm because I want to take another shot at the featured 5* crystal, would be a shame to use them before knowing nothing came out of that :-)

    Besides, I have a nice roster, no urgent need to pop a gem on one now.
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    No regrets
    I too hold that gem for 7-8 months
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    use awakening gems only at the time when they become viable to your team of 16. Generics should only be used for your attack teams.
  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    Probably the best way to decide is to consider what your next goal is in the game, and go from there. Whether it be LOL completion and/or exploration, focusing on getting into higher tier AW, or whatever it is. Awaken the character that's going to do the most good for you in the pursuit of your next objective.
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 865 ★★★
    Is Medusa still considered a good use of the generic? I have her and it would improve my prestige and my AWD even with all the Killmonger running around. I already did LoL easy path with Domino. Not going for completion, but Medusa wouldn't be bad for that either. Just can't pull the trigger, thoughts of Emma Frost and DV dance through my head.
  • Star_Lord_Star_Lord_ Member Posts: 528 ★★★
    No regrets
    I too hold that gem for 7-8 months

    She is definitely in the running as I have never pulled a cosmic AG. If I gave it to her, I could take her to 4/55 and 5/65.
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    Star_Lord_ wrote: »
    No regrets
    I too hold that gem for 7-8 months

    She is definitely in the running as I have never pulled a cosmic AG. If I gave it to her, I could take her to 4/55 and 5/65.

    I gave her generic awakening and she's good in both offence and defence
  • MattyloMattylo Member Posts: 234
    No matter what you decide they will come out with something that will make you regret using it. Therfore just go ahead and make a decision and use it on someone that you like and can use well imo.
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  • Star_Lord_Star_Lord_ Member Posts: 528 ★★★
    @PeterQuill After I pulled our namesake, I immediately used my Tech Gem before even ranking him up, lol.

    I also used a science on Void and have never been happier - had I not pulled the science gem, my generic would have gone to Void. Great champ, love playing with him.
  • Crimsontide1616Crimsontide1616 Member Posts: 303 ★★
    Pulled a skill AG after 100% act 5 and awoke blade

    Used the generic on void and would do it again 10/10 times
  • Vincew80Vincew80 Member Posts: 196 ★★
    Used mine on GP since she was my best option to r5 & her ability reduction is probably the best in the game.
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 681 ★★★★
    I used mine on Void after holding for quite some time. I wanted a strong aw attacker to go up against Medusa and other champs I didn’t have great answers for when they are war bosses. I awakened him, sunk 100 stones in, and took him to 5/65. No regrets. He kills in aw and I just finished my first path in LOL thanks to him and my 4/55 SL. It all truly depends what your needs are.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    I think a good value is high utility champs. Not in the sense that people normally use utility, but in the sense that the champ is near the top in terms of choices in almost every part of the game. Aw offense, defense, eq, lol, aq. And generally a lot of champs are GREAT for offense/lol unduped, a little lacking on defense. However, their dupe is an incredible boost to their defense, and a solid boost to their attack. People like Medusa, iceman, Morningstar, magik, and domino fall into this category. Like, sure, awaken sl and finish lol with him, but after that? Useless for defense and to a certain extent attack. However, chuck that gem and those t5b on Medusa, morningstar, ( @danielmath ) or domino? Boom. Lol done without too many units, and you have a great attacker OR defender now for aw.

    Just my thoughts. You’re gonna use a gem, stretch it’s value to all parts of the game.
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★
    Mitchell35 wrote: »
    I think a good value is high utility champs. Not in the sense that people normally use utility, but in the sense that the champ is near the top in terms of choices in almost every part of the game. Aw offense, defense, eq, lol, aq. And generally a lot of champs are GREAT for offense/lol unduped, a little lacking on defense. However, their dupe is an incredible boost to their defense, and a solid boost to their attack. People like Medusa, iceman, Morningstar, magik, and domino fall into this category. Like, sure, awaken sl and finish lol with him, but after that? Useless for defense and to a certain extent attack. However, chuck that gem and those t5b on Medusa, morningstar, ( @danielmath ) or domino? Boom. Lol done without too many units, and you have a great attacker OR defender now for aw.

    Just my thoughts. You’re gonna use a gem, stretch it’s value to all parts of the game.

    I used mine on Morningstar, not upset about it. There's a chance i'll use my 2nd one on domino though she is rather delightful. Wouldn't consider medusa really at this point, and HELL NO to star lord
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  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I have used 2 genetics. One on MS to place her on defense and the other one on og vision. I have since pulled MS but I’m still happy with the use of both of my generics. MS was a great aw boss for my bg in season 3 and vision is a champ I run aw with on offense.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I used a skill gem on Blade. Mystic on GR. Cosmic on Hype. Still have a cosmic, tech, and mutant and my act 5 generic. I'll have another generic from LOL soon. It's been months since I pulled a decent champ though. I've never pulled a featured champ despite many attempts but I'm thinking of saving for a few featured again to try to get someone worth awakening.
  • Bruce12342Bruce12342 Member Posts: 237
    It all comes down to what you need now and who is fun for you. Don’t listen to anybody else.
  • xananabananaxananabanana Member Posts: 495
    danielmath wrote: »
    Mitchell35 wrote: »
    I think a good value is high utility champs. Not in the sense that people normally use utility, but in the sense that the champ is near the top in terms of choices in almost every part of the game. Aw offense, defense, eq, lol, aq. And generally a lot of champs are GREAT for offense/lol unduped, a little lacking on defense. However, their dupe is an incredible boost to their defense, and a solid boost to their attack. People like Medusa, iceman, Morningstar, magik, and domino fall into this category. Like, sure, awaken sl and finish lol with him, but after that? Useless for defense and to a certain extent attack. However, chuck that gem and those t5b on Medusa, morningstar, ( @danielmath ) or domino? Boom. Lol done without too many units, and you have a great attacker OR defender now for aw.

    Just my thoughts. You’re gonna use a gem, stretch it’s value to all parts of the game.

    I used mine on Morningstar, not upset about it. There's a chance i'll use my 2nd one on domino though she is rather delightful. Wouldn't consider medusa really at this point, and HELL NO to star lord

    I was gonna use mine on Morningstar as well but got lucky after pulling a Mystic from my first LOL path last week.

    Don't think I'll be using my generic AG any time soon. Got a Mutant and Cosmic gem as well.
  • Erza_ScarletErza_Scarlet Member Posts: 130
    I used mine on Medusa and I haven't regret it one bit. I've cleared four LOL paths with her and she still brings me kills on defense. Seriously, I can't think of a better choice...
  • Star_Lord_Star_Lord_ Member Posts: 528 ★★★
    Some great advice, thanks. I am afraid if I don't use it I will just let it collect dust forever. I have yet to do LOL so ultimately that might be the swing vote. I was hoping to hear from some Domino or Ghost owners as the 3 main contenders for my gem are Medusa, Ghost, or Domino.
  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    Star_Lord_ wrote: »
    Some great advice, thanks. I am afraid if I don't use it I will just let it collect dust forever. I have yet to do LOL so ultimately that might be the swing vote. I was hoping to hear from some Domino or Ghost owners as the 3 main contenders for my gem are Medusa, Ghost, or Domino.

    you need a lot of luck for lol
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