Champs for uncollected Emma Frost

Faced her 5 times in uncollected now, shes not too bad, here is a list of champs that should be good to take her down from my experience... (armor breaks are the main weakness for her)
Corvus - Armor break on his parry and overall great damage, effectively making you not need to worry about the stun immune indestructible! (careful though after 20 hits he is a wet pillow)
Medusa - Her medium attack instantly takes away her indestructible and its easy to keep them up, if you can armor shatter her its just a normal fight basically
Yondu - Armor breaks on his arrows, steals the armor for himself, if duped he cripples her special damage too
Sentinel - Armor break on his sp1 and generally a great counter overall, plus with his advantage he builds analysis charges quickly
Stark spidey - Great damage when you build his poise charges but the main thing with him is his ability to reliable save you if you fail to dodge the reversed specials
Spiderman symbiote - Highly underrated option, if you can land a heavy attack you can armor break her and stop her other form for 80 seconds!
Juggernaut, Unstoppable colossus, magneto - put these together as they are all immune to her telekinetic abilities!
Other options i can think of include hyperion, iron fist and king groot (permanent armor break on sp1)
I've found a great way with her specials if youre uncomfortable dodging the reversed specials is block or try and parry the first hit, dash forward to dodge the second then immediately dash left to counter attack. or if you have good reactions its fairly easy to dex both her sp1 and sp2 by timing 2 dash forwards and you have time to punish if you immediately swipe left after dodging the second hits, her heavy attack is also one quick hit but relatively easy to punish
if theres anyone i missed please do add them underneath! hope this helps at least 1 of you
(havent fought omega yet but heard Gulk, Void, morningstar and vision are good for him...)
Corvus - Armor break on his parry and overall great damage, effectively making you not need to worry about the stun immune indestructible! (careful though after 20 hits he is a wet pillow)
Medusa - Her medium attack instantly takes away her indestructible and its easy to keep them up, if you can armor shatter her its just a normal fight basically
Yondu - Armor breaks on his arrows, steals the armor for himself, if duped he cripples her special damage too
Sentinel - Armor break on his sp1 and generally a great counter overall, plus with his advantage he builds analysis charges quickly
Stark spidey - Great damage when you build his poise charges but the main thing with him is his ability to reliable save you if you fail to dodge the reversed specials
Spiderman symbiote - Highly underrated option, if you can land a heavy attack you can armor break her and stop her other form for 80 seconds!
Juggernaut, Unstoppable colossus, magneto - put these together as they are all immune to her telekinetic abilities!
Other options i can think of include hyperion, iron fist and king groot (permanent armor break on sp1)
I've found a great way with her specials if youre uncomfortable dodging the reversed specials is block or try and parry the first hit, dash forward to dodge the second then immediately dash left to counter attack. or if you have good reactions its fairly easy to dex both her sp1 and sp2 by timing 2 dash forwards and you have time to punish if you immediately swipe left after dodging the second hits, her heavy attack is also one quick hit but relatively easy to punish
if theres anyone i missed please do add them underneath! hope this helps at least 1 of you

Does Loki steal node buffs? Is so then he is a viable option too
Parry places armour break, high block proficiency.
Parry, heavy, parry, heavy. Block L1
Repeat until L2 is ready.
Parry, heavy - use L2 after first hit of heavy.
Easy peasy
Hahaha I have a 5 star duped cap and completely forgot about that ability! Well reminded thank you 👍
That's not my video. It's from Arni2.
also I'm going to try psylock as my only power control champ. just hit sp1 when she gets back of power, so when you land sp, she goes to bloody form, dameged from your sp, then you drain her energy (believe it goes on last hit), she goes back to diamond, you get back of power. repeat till she's dead. that way she should never use sp, so no that silly control invert, yet some damage with sp1 while you're below energy bar.
unfortunately I had to outdamage her on my first run, not going to repeat it until they fix the game
I need to try with spidy
Omega red is pretty easy once you get the timing.
Diamond Emma is concussion immune
Ronan only “removes” armor on heavy attacks not an actual “break”. Very similar to Kamala Khan’s Special attack that does that’s same thing
OG Thor works in theory except you’d still have to push her into telepath first
Also anyone with a REALLY good Sp1 should make it really easy to keep her out of diamond. I really want to test Hawkeye for this actually balancing control with manipulating the bars in the right way. This also means that Hela, Angela, AA, actually a large amount of champs can easily keep up if they rely on that Sp1
And lastly I’d try to avoid power control where possible just because Diamond is a pain
are that 2 dash fwd... mean my hero will dash back 2 times? then swipe left in that sentence mean my hero will dash fwd attacking her?
Do Yondu's arrows change their effect on her as she switches forms? In other words, when she's in Telepath form, do they cause bleed, but then change to cause Armor Break when she is in Diamond form?
Read stats bro. Ronan replaces one armor with armor break.
Yeah thats correct! you should dodge both attacks and then swipe left immediately to punish her special
As far as i know that's how it works, he will armor break her in the diamond form to bring her to telepath mode and then inflict bleeds instead, then armor break again should diamond form reactivate
Not a bug. She ignores evade while in telepath form, and she switches to telepath during specials