Final gwenpool rewards

1k cinematic crystals cant be the final reward? The final reward would have to better then the 5* crystal you would think?
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No, you are wrong. Simple as that.
You’re wrong
Ok, let me check again just to make sure.
Nope, you are still wrong.
The “big reward” in question was referring to the week 4 exploration rewards
That is all
Let me do the triple check.
Still wrong
Actually they didn't, kabam needs to do better with their wording. When it first was mentioned everyone had to ask if their was going to be a final prize and we got a answer from the mods which is no.
Poor guy’s getting threats cause of that video now. SMH
3550 threads about a rumour after they receive a 5* crystal with no effort at all, and they want more and more and everything for free
Preach brother ! Totally agree
Let me tell you something shocking bud, you don't have to read this thread! Crazy right? You obviously knew what this was when you clicked on it but yet you come and complain?
Read what I just said ^
I’m good noob
Yeah, it’s a total shame
He’s taking the brunt of the misconception
Definitely just not fair, the way people are doing that to him
i did with almost every other threads about this
While the threats are totally not acceptable. He should have read the comments on his first video about it and listened. He should have taken it down immediately and made another one saying he was wrong
While he shouldn’t be getting threats, that video is everything wrong with his channel.
Just rushes to produce clickbait content without doing any research.
Just like his video about sentinel counters, he explained how they gain analysis charges wrong, claimed that mutants give all the Sentinels double charges (only applies to the playable sentinel) and said Angela would be great for poison path in AQ, had he not rushed, and instead done a little bit of research, he wouldn’t have released that video with the bad info it contained.