Underappreciated champ: Sentinel

So thanks to te 3* danger rooms I’ve had some time with my 3* Sentinel lately. And I honestly do not believe he gets the respect he should.
Let’s start with his defensive abilities. Both his armor and immunities are top notch and that’s not even mentioning that if you get clipped the odds of a Crit are nigh impossible unless you’re facing someone akin to Angela or Karnak.
When Duped be gains a “mixed” ability that increases his charge gain when enemies use the same special more than once in a fight and reduces power consumption on specials as well as dampens power drain/burn abilities of the opponent
Offensive… he’s a tank. Literally a tank with legs and an attitude problem.
Sp1 has healblock and multiple chances for armor break which stacks
Sp2 has 5 Incinerate guaranteed each dealing 50% base attack totaling 250% base attack. It used to be standard that special bleeds were 200% making this an impressive feat as incinerate immunity is very rare
Heavy attack has a 100% shock and this stacks with multiple triggers.
“Big whoop his DoT is still pathetic”
That is true until you consider his charges. It’s relatively easy to stack them by hitting the opponents block a few times.
Ah but that attack rating increases by up to 50%
Shock goes from 100% to 150%
Incinerate from 250% to 375%
And then another special bonus. At max charges all his built in debuff have double duration.
Shock deals 400% base attack
Incinerate 750%
5/50 4* with no masteries and max charges deal 7300 shock damage on a heavy attack and over 18k on an Sp2 in DoT alone plus a 50% boost to all his attacks.
Also another bonus is that the incinerate goes through block at max charges. Sorry IMIW you’re still taking all that
Let’s start with his defensive abilities. Both his armor and immunities are top notch and that’s not even mentioning that if you get clipped the odds of a Crit are nigh impossible unless you’re facing someone akin to Angela or Karnak.
When Duped be gains a “mixed” ability that increases his charge gain when enemies use the same special more than once in a fight and reduces power consumption on specials as well as dampens power drain/burn abilities of the opponent
Offensive… he’s a tank. Literally a tank with legs and an attitude problem.
Sp1 has healblock and multiple chances for armor break which stacks
Sp2 has 5 Incinerate guaranteed each dealing 50% base attack totaling 250% base attack. It used to be standard that special bleeds were 200% making this an impressive feat as incinerate immunity is very rare
Heavy attack has a 100% shock and this stacks with multiple triggers.
“Big whoop his DoT is still pathetic”
That is true until you consider his charges. It’s relatively easy to stack them by hitting the opponents block a few times.
Ah but that attack rating increases by up to 50%
Shock goes from 100% to 150%
Incinerate from 250% to 375%
And then another special bonus. At max charges all his built in debuff have double duration.
Shock deals 400% base attack
Incinerate 750%
5/50 4* with no masteries and max charges deal 7300 shock damage on a heavy attack and over 18k on an Sp2 in DoT alone plus a 50% boost to all his attacks.
Also another bonus is that the incinerate goes through block at max charges. Sorry IMIW you’re still taking all that
Play him similar to Archangel or Hyperion after set up and suddenly you’re ripping apart huge amounts of HP with almost no effort. Especially love heavy spamming the enemy against the wall for 2-3 shocks. I believe at 5/50 and no suicides/courage that would be up to 22k and change plus regular damage so say around 24-25k total
Also gets a kill or 2 on AW defense. Dupe not needed. Happy to have him
Also like the fact all his specials are useful. On those longer fights, you can get to 2 L3 and use the regen
otherwise yeah i think hes cool too