Description of Bug: Nightcrawler is able to passively evade mid-special attack after being struck.
Under normal circumstances, Nightcrawler cannot passively evade attacks while he is stunned. Additionally, Nightcrawler is unable to passively evade after being hit with a multi-hit special attack. He innately has a chance to passively evade the first strike, but if that first strike connects, the rest of the hits from the special will also connect with no chance for him to evade them.
The bug seems to come in when Nightcrawler is stunned and then is quickly hit with a special attack. It seems that when the stun wears off, Nightcrawler gets a fresh chance to passively evade the next incoming attack even if an earlier part of the special attack already hit him. If he’s stunned and gets hit with the first part of a special attack, he shouldn’t have any chance to passively evade any of the other hits from the special attack when the stun wears off. Currently, he is able to evade mid-special in this fashion.
This happened to me in my very first fight of AW season 4. I had Nightcrawler stunned, I hit him with the first hit of the special, then stun wore off, and he evaded the second hit, which left me vulnerable to a counterattack which ultimately killed me.
Credit to @ezgoing for creating a video that captures this bug. It can be found here:
Device and Version: iPhone SE
Device Operating System: iOS 11.4.1
Mobile Carrier: Verizon
Cellular or Wifi: Both
Game Version Installed: 20.0.1
Game Mode: Alliance War, Duels
Champions Affected: Nightcrawler
Active Boosts: None
Under normal circumstances, Nightcrawler cannot passively evade attacks while he is stunned. Additionally, Nightcrawler is unable to passively evade after being hit with a multi-hit special attack. He innately has a chance to passively evade the first strike, but if that first strike connects, the rest of the hits from the special will also connect with no chance for him to evade them.
The bug seems to come in when Nightcrawler is stunned and then is quickly hit with a special attack. It seems that when the stun wears off, Nightcrawler gets a fresh chance to passively evade the next incoming attack even if an earlier part of the special attack already hit him. If he’s stunned and gets hit with the first part of a special attack, he shouldn’t have any chance to passively evade any of the other hits from the special attack when the stun wears off. Currently, he is able to evade mid-special in this fashion.
This happened to me in my very first fight of AW season 4. I had Nightcrawler stunned, I hit him with the first hit of the special, then stun wore off, and he evaded the second hit, which left me vulnerable to a counterattack which ultimately killed me.
Credit to @ezgoing for creating a video that captures this bug. It can be found here:
Device and Version: iPhone SE
Device Operating System: iOS 11.4.1
Mobile Carrier: Verizon
Cellular or Wifi: Both
Game Version Installed: 20.0.1
Game Mode: Alliance War, Duels
Champions Affected: Nightcrawler
Active Boosts: None
Post edited by Kabam Vydious on
From my experience, I've never seen him evade a special once he's been hit by a part of it (assuming he's not stunned initially).
Can you get a video of Nightcrawler evading the last part of a special after getting hit by the first part when there's no stun involved? Serious request as I've never seen this and I fight Nightcrawler pretty much every war.
I'll note that I think the only time I haven't been locked in place while getting hit by a special is Moon Knight's L1. If you evade the kick but get hit by the first crescent, you'll get dazed very briefly, but you'll recover fast enough to block or evade the second crescent. But this is more a function of a potential bug of the first crescent not stunning for long enough. At the risk of making this too long, let's stick to one bug per thread.
Moving it frame by frame, you can see that there's not enough time for the enemy to do any type of recovery (on their feet) after the first hit before the second one lands, so looking at this is inconclusive one whether or not they are dazed. However, it is very clear to see that between hits 3 and 4, the enemy is in a 'stun' state as you refer to it. It's not a traditional stun in the sense that a debuff is applied, but it's more of a dazed state an enemy enters when getting hit by a special attack. And if the enemy is dazed, they certainly shouldn't be able to do any type of auto-evade.
To anyone stating that this is normal, do you have a video showing Nightcrawler evading a special after getting hit by the first portion of it without stun being a factor? I'm not saying it's impossible, but I've never seen it and it would go a long way in proving that this isn't a bug. From what I'm currently seeing, it certainly seems like it is.
So apparently how this works is
You land the first hit of multi hit sp while stunned
Before your second hit of sp lands, the stun expires
Spidey recovers from stun, and does not block, but is fully functionable and can evade
You can see that they are in idle when stun expires
While this explains what is happening, i cannot agree to how it works
Thank you for your input. That point is addressed in the first post as being the nature of the bug.
do you really think that if this is a Bug they would show interest in fixing it? nor if hell were frozen.
I’m not seeing anything referring to “mid-special”, evade or otherwise. What text are you referring to? Can you provide a video of Nightcrawler evading mid-special after getting hit by the first part of a special?
As stated earlier in the thread, Nightcrawler can evade the first hit of a special. Additionally, if he holds a block through a multi-hit special, each blocked hit grants Nightcrawler a chance to evade. However, if Nightcrawler is hit during the first portion of a multi-hit special, he won't evade the rest of it unless stun is involved (which is the root of this bug).
This thread has seen several people claiming that Nightcrawler can evade at any point, even in the middle of getting hit with a special. Despite several requests for any type of evidence to support this claim, none has been provided.
I ran some trials since Nightcrawler has a fixed ambush in one of the EQ maps this month. My goal was to hit him with a multi-hit special without stunning him first to give him a chance to evade. No parries were allowed for this test. Here's a quick snapshot of my findings:
First hit connects
Several chances to evade, but no evade happens
First hit connects
Even with the additional evasion chance from his L1, no evade happens
I hit NC like this with around two dozen specials. Out of all those attempts, not once did he evade after getting hit by the initial strike. Not once. With 4-5 chances to evade with every special, this means that with a minimum of 22% chance to evade, he failed to evade even once out of around 100+ attempts all totaled. That's not just RNG.
During this trial, Nightcrawler behaved exactly as described in the initial post. He should NOT be able to evade out of a special attack after getting hit by an earlier strike from that special attack. That is not how he works in this game. For those who disagree, I ask again, please post some sort of evidence to support your claim.
The root of this bug is the stun. It appears that once a stun wears off, Nightcrawler gets a fresh chance to evade the next attack, even if he's already been struck by an earlier hit from a special attack. This is a bug. Coming out of a stun mid-special should not grant a fresh chance to evade.
The thing I see is that many attacks do not passively 'stun' the enemy if they do not need time to set up another big hit. Specials like Colossus's, Spidey's, and I believe the first two hits of Winter Soldier's are like this, where they simply rely on simple chaining to lock enemies in.
Other examples of hits not causing stun can be seen in Cable's special. If you dodge the first hit of his L1, but then get out of range of his lasers then rush in (a common mistake), you will likely get hit by the second-last hit of the attack, but be pushed out of range of the final hit. You don't get to respond immediately when you're hit, as you might in a combo-there is a delay where the character cannot naturally respond as to allow for the special to chain. However, the character does not come up with the 'stunned' animation, as it does in your Sentinel example. The 'stunned' animation is the key to shutting down evades, as that counts as being stunned and therefore unable to evade. It's sort of like a hidden, passive stun.
Attacks with somewhat quick hits that can allow for this chaining without forcing a stunned animation to cover for why you weren't able to respond don't account for natural responses with no input, such as IMIW's autoblocking and Nightcrawler's Evade. That's why they're still able to work.
It appears that recovering from a stun is refreshing a champ, giving them an opening they wouldn't otherwise have. This is allowing champs to block or evade in the middle of a flurry of attacks...something that isn't possible under normal circumstances.
In the reports, people parry the enemy and begin to launch a heavy. Though the heavy connects while the enemy is stunned, the stun wears off and the enemy is able to throw up a block. If the enemy happens to have the Stand Your Ground and Parry masteries, there's a chance that the person throwing the heavy will end up stunned and counterattacked even though the first portion of the heavy attack was successful.
Recovering from a stun mid-combo should not allow a champion to perform an action. This is a bug.