17k player in beginner bracket LF Ally
IGN is Grendel1184. I just came back to the game a few weeks ago and decided to start a F2P account. My old account is Grendel84. I'm looking for an ally where everyone is active that I can grow in. I can hold in a lane in AQ 2 or 3. Message me here, in game or on line - same name.
Please note that we are an AQ focused alliance. So, if you are looking for war too, we won't be a fit for you as we won't be doing any war until our teammates have grown stronger. We do get a decent amount of resources from AQ and alliance events to help you grow. For example, you can expect at a minimum to get from AQ: 1700 glory, 3000 T4BC fragments, Map 5 Crystal x 1, Map 4 Crystals x 6 as we surpass the 8 M points each week easily. We are trying to be more consistent in reaching/surpassing the 10 M points milestone and am aiming for the 15 M points if we can get more active recruits. We run AQ in 2 BG and am trying to do 3 BG.
My IGN is gladiator2014. You can chat with me in-game or post your questions here. We use Telegram as our communication app. There are no minimums and no donations at the present time. When our alliance has grown significantly stronger, and we can do AQ map 4 or map 5 in multiple bgs, we will be asking for donations then. The donations asked will be small and will be enough to cover the costs to play map 4 or 5 (depending on what we play each week) only.