Best, Worst, and Favorite Special Attacks 1-3
Special 1 - Hyperion (the incenerate plus Power Gain helps me keep spamming this one all day long)
Special 2 - Magik (this is truly awesome with Power Lock and Power Drain)
Speical 3 - Hyperion (I hate to say Hyperion’s again but it just does so much damage)
Special 1 - Colossus (easy to avoid, not very powerful)
Special 2 - Iron Fist (same as above)
Special 3 - Deadpool (funny the first time you see it but very weak attack)
Special 1 - Hulk (the stun is great but I just love the animations)
Special 2 - Blade (it’s just so cool looking and fluid animation)
Special 3 - Wolverine (especially when it ends the fight - savage)
Honorable Mentions
All Speicals of Spidey SE
Special 2s for Guilly and Crossbones
Special 3s for Joe Fixit, Venom, and Spidergwen
Your thoughts?
Special 1 - Hyperion (the incenerate plus Power Gain helps me keep spamming this one all day long)
Special 2 - Magik (this is truly awesome with Power Lock and Power Drain)
Speical 3 - Hyperion (I hate to say Hyperion’s again but it just does so much damage)
Special 1 - Colossus (easy to avoid, not very powerful)
Special 2 - Iron Fist (same as above)
Special 3 - Deadpool (funny the first time you see it but very weak attack)
Special 1 - Hulk (the stun is great but I just love the animations)
Special 2 - Blade (it’s just so cool looking and fluid animation)
Special 3 - Wolverine (especially when it ends the fight - savage)
Honorable Mentions
All Speicals of Spidey SE
Special 2s for Guilly and Crossbones
Special 3s for Joe Fixit, Venom, and Spidergwen
Your thoughts?
SP2 -- Best is Corvus or Medusa, favorite is Sentinel or Yondu.
SP3 -- Best is Hyperion, favorite is the same.
Worst: Spidergwen, colossus, Spider-Man classic
Honorable mention: Carnage, Hyperion, hulk, Omega Red
Sp 1 best : spiderman stark