4 star duped AA to max out OR 5 star unduped rogue to R3
Member Posts: 1,185 ★★★
Hey guys. As the thread description says, I would like your opinions on to max out 4 star duped AA or R3 unduped 5 star rogue? I'm close to having 3 t4cc mutant. Regarding me in brief, I finished collector 1 month back, explored uncollected of March. My main questing team is 5 star r3 unduped Ghost rider, 4 star duped maxed out Hyperion, ice, quake and sparky. Only GR is 5 star and unduped. These are my top champs. I use these for story questing, aq and aw as well. Kindly give your valuable opinions.
4 star duped AA to max out OR 5 star unduped rogue to R3 48 votes
•Heavy bypasses Mordo
•Heavy reliant style bypasses Modok
•Will kill easily
•Neurotoxins And Poison manage regen champs like Saber and Goblin and have AAR
•Best strategy is spamming heavy and blocks making it harder to just switch between champs
•Poison immune denies poison and neurotoxins
•Bleed immune denies ALL 3 damagingly effects
•AAR is only when awakened and if wbemy is susceptible to neurotoxin
•Can punish enemies that love to stack buffs
•Power Control
•More reliant on signature
•Buff punishing is short lived
I have both at 4/40, AA has a permanent spot in my questing team and I would rather use mordo, magik or even loki against buff heavy champs instead of rogue and only if AA is not viable.
I am not uncollected and don't do much in AQ/AW
I am a bit sour for ranking quake to 5 then pulling a 5* quake a couple of weeks later so I might suggest you wait until you pull a 5* AA or Iceman since you obviously don't struggle at your gameplay level.
I have a r4 5* rogue and 4* r5 AA, AA can outdamage rogue by miles against the right champs, but rogue has the sustainability that really helps. If you make a mistake, an L1 will get your health up quick (when duped with a crit it's about 5k). You will only get around 1k with her unduped at r3, but in long fights it helps. It's really a tough call though, because AA is so great when you get his full benefit. In the long run, 5* are going to be the way to go as you can take them higher.
R3 unduped myself (consider him my “welcome back” from a few month hiatus)
Personally AA is far more destructive and less reliant on signature. He’s got less favorable matchups than a lot of champs normally do but the matchups he DOES fair well in… Well he was my GO TO for 5.4.4 MODOK BOSS! 2 revived doing 70% of the Damage after everyone else (including Gwenpool) died
While 5*s can take you further they are 5x harder to get a good dupe on thanks to just the shards alone unfortunately making them less viable when sig reliant.
But roughly the same stats AA has to be priority IMO(!) as X23 can easily substitute for Rogue if you manage to get her 5* and she doesn’t need to be duped for that. AA is very useful in just annihilating enemies left right center and behind you.
I DO run inequity which does greatly my survivability in a lot of champs including AA so your usage will likely be different but overall there is a reason AA is one of the best Mutants to get
Because the community loves making communicating champion names easier as typing Archangel, Killmonger, Ghost Rider, Stark Enhanced Spider-Man, Gwenpool, Luke Cage and all the multiple worded and awkwardly worded names gets annoying when you consider it takes up space in chats.
While most alliances use Line, this abbreviating goes back to the beginning and it stuck and it’s more convienent to say:
“My go to team is VD, GP, AA, SL, and Magik”
“Voodoo, Gwenpool, Archangel, Star Lord and Magik”
(Which takes up equal or greater message space as me setting up that those 5 champions are my go to team)