Danger Room Quest completion did not award points for 100% Epic room

ScarredPoolScarredPool Member Posts: 56
edited September 2018 in Bugs and Known Issues
I explored 100% in all Danger rooms quests but have 9500 points contributed towards Danger Room Quest Completion event. Epic gives 10k points towards that event and I haven't received them. Rest of my alliance who completed all have 19500 points towards it. Has anyone else encountered similar issues?



  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★

    If you are missing points for completing a Danger Room, please reach out to support so that they can help you investigate this issue. Please make sure to include as much detail as possible about the issue, which Danger Room it was and what time you completed it. This will be helpful in looking into this issue. You can reach them by going to the "Support" link in game.
  • ScarredPoolScarredPool Member Posts: 56
    @Kabam Lyra Thanks. Will give that a shot
  • HeadrollerHeadroller Member Posts: 255
    The events don’t start and stop at the same time as each other, what likely happened is you did one or more rooms and then the event started up and only counted the points for the remaining rooms you did during that time period.

    I didn’t get full points since I did two rooms as soon as the new day started. The event started hours later

  • ScarredPoolScarredPool Member Posts: 56
    That's exactly what happened.. I thought they started simultaneously. I heard back from support team .. i missed it by 2 min :(
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