They didn’t nothing to make carnage useable they made him better yes but in this endgame content all they need to throw in there is let him carry the buffs you manage to stack from fight to fight like sabertooth
I agree, I was very underwhelmed with Carnage. On the flip side, I have a 5* r4 Venom and after messing around just a little bit with the beta I could not be more stoked about what they did for Venom. These two are supposed to be some of the strongest in the game (as far as the comics portray them) and it finally feels like it with Venom. I wish they would add a little something to Carnage to give him a boost for his insanity like stackable fury or even his own Klyntar rage.
Venom seems like he might actually be playable now, high damage, true strike might be a major game changer. Venom at 5/50 awakened not impressed. Venom at 5/65 did 1mil damage by first enrage timer against ex SL
Venom is better than he was because he has slightly better damage output, bleed duration, fury and other buffs, but do not feel Venom is where he needs to be. Carnage, I don’t get it, not impressed, his power gain?? A suggestion would be for him to accumulate power gain like Hyperion and health regeneration. Carnage needs better bleed. Neither of these champs have a natural dodge or evade and I think would be better for these champs as well. If these champs are brought to the main forum as is, I will not be upleveling them because in my opinion, they are average champs right now.
I would like to add how I tested. My team consisted of a duped 3* Venom, 4* unduped Venom, Duped 3* Carnage, duped 4* carnage and a duped 4* Venompool to activate the synergies. My feedback is in my previous comment. Thank you allowing to test!