Venom Beta Buff Info

issamaf80issamaf80 Member Posts: 1,472 ★★★

Link for the video in in reddit

Here is he's Spotlight after the buff

Base Stats & Abilities
*All stats based on 4-Star, Rank 5, Level 50, Signature Level 99

Health: 17,180
Attack: 1,216
Max PI:
Without Signature: 3,504
With Signature (99): 4,381

*All stats based on 5-Star, Rank 5, Level 65, Signature Level 200

Health: 34,447
Attack: 2,437
Max PI:
Without Signature: 7,058
With Signature (200): 9,742

Character Class: Cosmic
Basic Abilities: Bleed, True Strike, Fury, Klyntar Mutation
*All abilities based on 4-Star, Rank 5, Level 50, Signature Level 99

Genetic Memory
Venom has a Klyntar Mutation Buff that refreshes itself every 9 seconds. When this effect activates, a random Genetic Memory Buff is gained from the list below. If Venom becomes Incinerated the Mutation Buff is Nullified. Max Genetic Memory Buffs: 7.
Resist Physical: 352 increased Physical Resistance.
Armor Up: 222 increased Armor Rating.
Cruelty: 325 increased Critical Hit Damage rating.
Precision: 500 increased Critical Rating.
Fury: 182 increased Attack Rating

Klyntar Buff
Venom’s Klyntar Mutation Buff provides +182 Attack and gains additional properties based on Venom’s opponent.
Hero Champions: +15% Bleed Ability Accuracy.
Spider-Verse Heroes: All attacks ignore Passive Evade effects.
Tech Champions: Power Burn and Power Drain Immunity.

Developer Note: These effects are only active while the Klyntar Mutation Buff remains active. If the Buff is removed for any reason, all these bonus effects are lost until the Buff is re-activated.

Heavy Attacks
A heavy strike inflicts Armor Break, reducing the opponent’s Armor Rating by 666 for 11 seconds. Landing this attack also causes Venom to randomize his most recent Genetic Memory Buff.

Critical Hits
Critical Hits lacerate opponents with a 80% chance, inflicting 912 Bleed damage over 4.5 seconds.

Opponent Below 18% Health
Venom’s bloodlust grants him True Strike and Unblockable Special Attacks.

Special 1
Each strike has a 55% chance to steal a Buff and feed it to the symbiote, Nullifying the Buff, triggering a Genetic Memory Buff and healing Venom for 687 Health.

Special 2
Venom is unleashed, converting all Genetic Memory Buffs into Fury Buffs, each increasing Attack by 267 for 12 seconds.

Developer Note: The Buffs that are converted into Fury Buffs are lost. It is best to use this ability when the opponent is low on health to finish them off before they can activate specific abilities. Works very well when combines with Venom’s True Strike and Unblockable Special attacks listed above.

Special 3
An ambush attack grants Venom +5% damage during this attack for each Buff Venom has.

Developer Note: This also includes Buffs gained from other sources such as Local and Global Nodes.

Signature Ability: Aggressive Symbiosis
Rapid evolutionary changes to the Symbiote grant Venom an additional Genetic Memory Buff at the start of the fight, as well as a 100% chance to gain a third Buff to start the fight.
Venom’s Genetic Memory Buffs also gain +18% Potency.

Synergy Bonuses

Arachnid Hunters (Vulture, Green Goblin)
Venom: +1 Max Genetic Memory Buff cap.
Vulture: +2000 Armor vs. Special Attacks while an Armor Up Buff is active.
Green Goblin: Each Madness and Cunning charge grants +1% Attack.

Symbiote Progenitor (Venom)
All Symbiote Champions gain +4% Attack and Health.

Developer Notes: This is a self synergy that automatically activates and does not require a different Champion on the team to activate.

Family (Symbiote Spider-Man, Agent Venom, Venompool)
All Champions gain +5% Health.

Enemies (Carnage, She-Hulk)
All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.

Nemesis (Spider-Man, Spider-Man (Morales))
All Champions gain +6% Attack.

Rivals (Electro, Doc Ock)
All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.

Teammates (Joe Fixit)
All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
Recommended Masteries

Deep Wounds
With the increase in base Bleed Damage, this Mastery now causes much more damage for Venom.

Now that Venom’s Bleed is based on Critical Hits, this Mastery now grants more damage increase than before.

Assassin has the same range as Venom’s True Strike ability listed above. Grab this Mastery to tear apart enemies that become more dangerous as they lose more and more health (Infinity War Iron Man, Iron Man, Hulk, Etc)
Spike Damage: Venom now has the ability to spike his opponent down later on in the match. To quickly finish off most opponents, get them below 18% health then use Venom’s Special 2 to finish them off. The massive damage boost from the Special 2 combined with Unblockable attacks and True Strike will take down most challengers.
Adjustable Power: Through careful use of Heavy Attacks, Venom can change his Genetic Memory Buff choice to better match his opponent. If the opponent has an effect that regularly ignores armor, try switching to Physical Resist or to an offense focused Genetic Memory Buff instead.
Buff Reliant: Venom is very reliant on stacking up his Buffs to get the most damage output possible. Champions that can easily Nullify his Buffs will have a much easier time fighting Venom.



  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Dang, alrighty then. Seems super interesting counter to IMIW or any IM characters
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    The real question is, should I use my cosmic gem?
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    That 18% potency...seems very nice, as well as more genetic buffs stuffs, seems super interesting, poison immunity would’ve been the icing on the cake
  • Onix315Onix315 Member Posts: 1
    For the beta, will we get back our iso for ranking venom n carnage up?
  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    edited September 2018
    Like the immune to Spider-Verse Hero evades. Since the Venom Symbiote negates the spider sense, it was about time that was put in.

    Now if they will just fix the beta server, I can go give both of them a test run as r2 5*'s.
  • Jimmy_Utah83Jimmy_Utah83 Member Posts: 246
    He’s gonna destroy iron man infinity war now. True strike is up for the duration of IMIW’s autoblock 15%

    Add armor break and on heavy to keep those armor up in check.
  • Cortez002_Cortez002_ Member Posts: 101
    Onix nothing additional is gained or returned for the beta from what I understood. I’m ranking up mine regardless if they did. These are some good buffs and I want to be able to test thoroughly this weekend
  • Supremeguy95Supremeguy95 Member Posts: 447 ★★
    Welp, my 4* Venom is going to rank 5 lol
  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★

    I know the IMIW was already mentioned as a counter but this also hard counters vision.
    Considering that the only damage Vision does on his spcl 1 and spcl 2 is 100% reliant on power drain it means Venom is immune to those attacks. Special 3 still does damage.
    Not sure if that was intended or not but it really kills visions effectiveness in fights.

    Regardless, it’s only there will the Klyntar buff is active.
  • NightFalconNightFalcon Member Posts: 19
    CFree wrote: »

    Regardless, it’s only there will the Klyntar buff is active.

    The buff is constantly active and refreshes every 9 seconds. There’s no way to nullify it with Vision because he doesn’t cause incinerate damage.
  • Synestr_OneSynestr_One Member Posts: 4
    Definitely like the idea of a vision counter as well. Assassin in conjunction with his natural true strike and unblockable threshold is gonna be nice.
  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    Damage still not great. Average damage. Need 350 hits to kill rol ws.
  • NamelezNamelez Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    The real question is, should I use my cosmic gem?

    Yes ! And no LoL for me I would cuz I already have an awakened Hype but I'm gonna r5 my Venom even Unawakened
  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★

    The buff is constantly active and refreshes every 9 seconds. There’s no way to nullify it with Vision because he doesn’t cause incinerate damage.

    Hmmm...Then taking Vision against a cosmic champ is a big risk.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited September 2018
    Hey All,

    Thanks for your feedback on this update! While we welcome this discussion, we do want to reiterate that we will be basing our decisions on the feedback of those that have had time to use this updated Champion in the Beta Test.

    This means that we won't be replying to any inquiries or threads on the Beta Updates outside of the Beta Forums and Survey, but that doesn't mean that we're not reading it!

    Keep in mind, this is a Beta, and the reason we run these is to get feedback on the Updates. That means that what players see in the Beta now could change before we release an update!
  • KamalaWantsToPlayTooKamalaWantsToPlayToo Member Posts: 112
    Interesting utility, but based on the ROL fight against WS his damage seems pretty meh.

    Can’t think of a reason to take him past R3 and being him out only occasionally right now.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    is there any animation change for them? generally would love to see some gameplay vids, as kabam didn't give me a chance to take part in beta
  • This content has been removed.
  • WillaveoWillaveo Member Posts: 1
    I am not impressed with carnage he is slightly better but still a bad champ compared to other cosmic champs hes still on the bottom end in my opinion. Regarding the venom buff hes quite better but still not worth taking past r3 I wanted him to be a hard hitter which he isn't and his true strike buff was disappointing to say the least if you removed the part where the opponent must be bleeding for it to work at the 18% mark I would like him a lot more. People are struggling with iwim and he needs a counter. If you keep making these new champs that have ridiculous abilities you need to make these revamped champions a viable option to compete against them. But overall carnage is still bad and venom is good but not great
  • hydrogohardhydrogohard Member Posts: 225 ★★
    In the movie preview it looks as Venom does an autoblock to protect Eddie.. Would be nice in the game.
  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★
    Willaveo wrote: »
    I am not impressed with carnage he is slightly better but still a bad champ compared to other cosmic champs hes still on the bottom end in my opinion. Regarding the venom buff hes quite better but still not worth taking past r3 I wanted him to be a hard hitter which he isn't and his true strike buff was disappointing to say the least if you removed the part where the opponent must be bleeding for it to work at the 18% mark I would like him a lot more. People are struggling with iwim and he needs a counter. If you keep making these new champs that have ridiculous abilities you need to make these revamped champions a viable option to compete against them. But overall carnage is still bad and venom is good but not great

    What is your point about the 18% mark and bloodlust?
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    so for anyone in the Beta, against tech champions, is Venom immune to plagued mind? Cause that’s kind of an interesting thing
  • Pradeep0050_Pradeep0050_ Member Posts: 14
    Venom damages is weak and also his utility is against only 2 to 3 champs so he is not 4/55 champ.i hope these are not final changes he needs better damage and he needs power gain when enemy is below 18% then he will be counter to imiw .
  • Mustang0108Mustang0108 Member Posts: 6
    Venom is a bleed beast carnage on the other hand could use some bleed in his s1 and s2.
  • Synestr_OneSynestr_One Member Posts: 4
    Hey All,

    Thanks for your feedback on this update! While we welcome this discussion, we do want to reiterate that we will be basing our decisions on the feedback of those that have had time to use this updated Champion in the Beta Test.

    This means that we won't be replying to any inquiries or threads on the Beta Updates outside of the Beta Forums and Survey, but that doesn't mean that we're not reading it!

    Keep in mind, this is a Beta, and the reason we run these is to get feedback on the Updates. That means that what players see in the Beta now could change before we release an update!

    All fine and dandy but there currently seems to be no way for me to do that. Every time I attempt to access the beta forum, I get the "no permissions" error message.

    What gives?
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    The way I see it, this thread is the non beta testers way intoned the beta world
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