Feedback Carnage/Venom Beta or Not

I’m one of many. Unable to join beta due to a bug. Still, I’d like to give feedback on these champs, so here it is.
Carnage- Bleed ability (17?/bleed ) should be upgraded to at minimum match lowest bleed rates ability in game. 170?. Or change the ability to “Scratch” :P Much needed attention to his mutations. WaaaY to difficult to gain multiple mutations while maintaing health, much less all of them. Additionally, all abilities are simply weak.
Venom- As with Carnage- all abilities are very weak in contrast to the level of difficulty it takes to obtain multiple symbiosis. Espically compared to other Champs. Morningstars Signature is stronger than both of these champs if they were to somehow mesh and make a new Carnoundrum. -enom.
Carnage- Bleed ability (17?/bleed ) should be upgraded to at minimum match lowest bleed rates ability in game. 170?. Or change the ability to “Scratch” :P Much needed attention to his mutations. WaaaY to difficult to gain multiple mutations while maintaing health, much less all of them. Additionally, all abilities are simply weak.
Venom- As with Carnage- all abilities are very weak in contrast to the level of difficulty it takes to obtain multiple symbiosis. Espically compared to other Champs. Morningstars Signature is stronger than both of these champs if they were to somehow mesh and make a new Carnoundrum. -enom.
Carnage (the stack of fury is great idea, maybe max of 10 fury, bleed stack expire way faster than it needs to be), carnage is way more savage than venom and he is supposed to be superior to venom in bloodlust.. his hands can morph into shields (shield buff) or axes (bleed stack) or hammer (concussion) to pummel his opponents in a frenzy.. causing major bleeding and concussion damage (read the comics).. it takes spiderman and venom teamwork to subdue carnage, and they had difficulty doing it, since he had symbiote too.. spider-verse characters should not have easy time to evade him (carnage needs same buff as venom plus some extras).
Blade should be able to detect carnage because of his evil intent and blood lust.
Venom: I am not seeing a difference (increase) of bleed damage after I apply the armor break. The bleed is the same with and without it.
The armor and physical resistant buffs are pointless. Maybe eliminate one or both entirely. Possible create a new Klyntar buff that reduces debuffs by a percentage. Example: each Klyntar buff reduces debuffs by 10-20%.
When Venom is below 18% health: a permanent klyntar buff should be active for the rest of the fight similar to Agent Venom's ability.
The last 2 updates mentioned would make him a viable AW defender.
Venom needs the ability to replicate. Its the signature of the symbiotic DNA to copy. Maybe place the 100% replicate back on his L3?
The L1 regen needs to be more viable. I understand its 55% chance per strike but its still not dependable.
Carnage is fun but doesn't have a place in the game outside of some questing.
I’d like to see carnage get a power drain