Kamala Khan Fanboys Join Us!

Hi folks,


Haha, anyways... Tirnock here recruiting on behalf of my primary alliance's brother/sister ally (or whatever you want to call it) called 'Kamala Khan Fanboys Club'. Our main alliance is NEEB (Ally of the Noobs), a 13 mil Gold 2 alliance currently aiming for Gold 1. We've recently expanded and therefore decided to set up a second alliance to accommodate extras. It's currently in development but we have a few folks over there now. Here's some stats:

Alliance Name: Kamala Khan Fanboys Club
Tag: KKBoy
Current Leader: Lil Giggity (IGN)
Rating: currently 1.65 mil

What we're looking for:

  • Active players (preferred AU or NZ based - GMT 10:00 but not necessary)
  • Rating at least 100k (consideration will also be given for lower rated players)
  • LINE app required
  • Check LINE app often, as it is the central hub of communication

What we offer:
  • AQ maps 2-3 but soon will upgrade with requirements as soon as we gather more numbers
  • Opportunity to move up to the big leagues (primary ally)
  • Communicate with noobs/pros
  • Opportunity to be part of a full fledged alliance

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, please hit me up via my LINE account:

Line: exzibit001
In game name: Tirnock



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