Unpopular Opinion

I do not enjoy playing with Hyperion. I have both a 4 and 5 star, and I have continued to play with him to try and find something I enjoy about him, yet nadda. I personally do not like his chunky move set, along with the parry to heavy combination since I rarely even use heavies with my other champs. I know that Hyperion is well regarded as one of the best champs in the game, but I just do not enjoy his play style.
What are some of the other champs that people generally regard as great, but you guys just do not like?
What are some of the other champs that people generally regard as great, but you guys just do not like?
Another is ultron. Again very useful, I use him quite often. I’m just not overly keen on him. His lack of damage can be a little irritating, moveset is just the same as iron man and his sp2 has always felt awkward. Then the occasional evade that prevents you from being able to dash forward etc. I probably wouldn’t mind him too much if not for that evade, it just messes everything up when it triggers.
I do agree with Hyperion though, he’s good but not someone I’d consider fun to use myself.
I have him at 4r4, with enough cats to R5 and I used a class gem to awaken him and I don't get the hype either.
Arena fodder for me, along with medusa.
Maybe I'm doing it wrong.