Act 5 is Broken!

BmanBman Member Posts: 311 ★★
What’s up with Act 5.2.4???? I can’t even move 1 space! I’m trying to move YJ, 3 spaces. As soon as I move 1 space??? It moves me forward, then backward?!?? Asks me to teleport to Path A. That’s my only possible move! Straight to Caltrops with 18 or so fights?? What gives?? I should b able to pick Antman or YJ path, and go from there. Just wasted a 30% boost and energy refill, but I can’t move the way it’s intended! I need a refund!!


  • BmanBman Member Posts: 311 ★★
    2 spaces is the intersection, where u choose YJ or Antman path. As soon as I click on the 1st (only) green circle to move forward, game goes stupid! Instead of moving me from start going forward, it starts from space 2 (the intersection) backwards to the start space. Only leaves Caltrops path up top) as ONLY OPTION?!? Tried 5x now, all the same. 30% WASTED! Ticket submitted. I can’t be the only 1. How many others have same issue. Curious how wide spread?!? No warnings needed. I’m not bumping. I tried 2 more times, and clarified a little to see how wide spread
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 311 ★★
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 311 ★★
    No responses needed. So sorry guys. This was completely my fault. Apologies!! Ignore/close this thread. No issues here. Sorry again
  • JCPer14JCPer14 Member Posts: 79
    Hahaha, I did the same thing 2 times in a row. You aren't the only one.
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 311 ★★
    I had played it a few times before, paid attention each time so I didn’t have that issue (thought). It is REALLY WEIRD THOUGH!!!
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