Quake or WW2?
Can take either quake or captain WW2 to rank 5 as a 4*. The question is which one is more valuable and should I use the science awakening gem I got from the Spider-Man quest on them? I have starlord, scarlet witch, Thor, og daredevil, and wolverine at rank 5 already if this influences the decision.
She stomps nearly all Mystics and can hold her own against some decent Skills.
WWII is good and all but his best trick is Stun... Quake can do stuns too and evade as well as Aftershock.
I went with Quake.
Once you get her rhythm down it's great.
Cap ww2 has great block proficiency and has his bleed on sp2 and fights like you normally would fight with anyone else. No real tricks to maximize the champs abilities.
I personally use cap ww2 way more than I use quake, that's in any game mode.