18M SEMI-RETIREMENT ALLIANCE - AQ map 5-3-3 everyday / AW gold 3
Life-first Alliance looking for veterans and expert players (ROL, ACT5 clear) still interested in getting decent rewards to progress in game.
AQ: has one BG running map5 when possible + bg2 map3 with always 100% completion + bg3 for points
AW: sign in and we'll arrange the bgs, it could be a one or two bgs war, but you need to be skilled, smart, communicative and able to carry your weight
AQ map 5-3-3 *5
AW gold3 -> gold2
Retired Elite X
If interested pls PM here!
Preferably US/EU timezones. PM me your roster's screenshot ;-)
Semi-retirement means we play without pressure, but we don't let people down.
If you join a BG, you need to play smart, unlink other people, complete your AQ/AW path, communication and respect.