**May 8th - HOT FIX INCOMING**
Hey Summoners,
A Hot Fix will be pushed to all stores shortly. This will address a bug causing crashes on some iOS devices. Please keep an eye out and update when you're able.
Thank you!

The kabam alliance

hi guys, what do you think, i start a new alliance on the 15 of October and all of you guys join, please join cuz were looking for all the top players level 25 at least as long as your good. and first three people to join shall be made officer, please join and keep an eye on this post, because i"ll be posting the tag and name.
make sure you join to be in a good alliance
and i forgot to mention, if you miss 3 alliance wars and quests in a row, you"ll be kicked
and remember, lvl 25+ and 40,000+ rating
thanks and keep updated for my new amazing alliance


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