Wolverine should be one of the top 5 champs!

In movies and comics wolverine is almost indestructible and should have super fast regen and have a rage timer every 20 seconds he gets a permanent fury buff? He should be way better and unduped his regen kinda sucks also give him a small permanent healing factor that is like the salve mastery
Imagine a pure human champ like daredevil getting a single axe hit from Gulk...One hit instant KO
Hela, Mephisto, Dormammu, Iceman, Phoenix, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Jane Foster, Emma Frost, Juggernaut, Magneto, Hyperion, Storm, Ghost Rider, Sentry, Void, Vison(both), Ultron Prime, Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Heimdall, Thanos, Kang, Doctor Strange, Doctor Voodoo, Mordo, The Hood, Abomination, Hulk(all of them), Joe Fixit, Red Hulk, Captain marvel, and Quake. You could even make several arguments for more
Interestingly enough Wolverine has stale-mated with Thor Oddinson and Hulk in 616 as well as being the one to kill Phoenix Jean in various instances. As far as She-Hulk, Joe Fixit and an early story of Gladiator Hulk Wolverine has a high change of “winning” same/similar argument for Red Hulk and Abomination tbh.
The problem once you get into omega level and beyond mutant (and equivalent) as well as city level and below classifications is that they all blend into each other.
Also you forgot blackbolt who would literally rip apart the flesh of Hulk with a whisper (before he regenerated and nearly killed Blackagon in retaliation for that and other reasons)… Black Bolt would basically one-shot most characters below planet level
Blade got a heart attack seeing ur cmnt.
Isn't void stronger than dormammu?