How lucky are you

AlperkanAlperkan Member Posts: 6
edited October 2018 in General Discussion
K. I know it's just a luck but I am tired of getting -- champs. Everyone else is getting a good or god tier champs but me. I'll give a small list than you can see how lucky I am. And these are 5 and 6 star champs
6* he and if
I am kinda happy with he
5* champs basic
3 × she hulk
2 x antman
King griot
Winter soldier
Iron patriot
The hood
Hulk buster
5* featured
Winter soldier
From gwenpool event got IP ofcourse
Bought some daily crystal too and all of them are 3 *
I know it will take time to get a good champs but the way they are doing it is BS
I am almost done with act 5 in couple days. I'll see what I get. If I get the **** champs again f... the game. I'll quit.
I am so pissed off today's Crystal's that's why I am writing this.
Thnx for reading fellas.

Post edited by Kabam Lyra on


  • ChuckiesolChuckiesol Member Posts: 65
    That depressing man, I would definitely stop playing this game if lucky pulls didn't motivate me.
  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,568 ★★★★★
    Hoods good he's demi
  • DrownedGodDrownedGod Member Posts: 276
    You're able to complete act 5, so you've apparently had some luck with 4 star pulls, no?

    Just saying.

    It's all about making use of what you've got. I see a list there that has more than a few useful weapons for AW offense and defense, with emphasis on the latter. I'd personally love to be able to strategically place hood, bpcw, juggernaut and vulture on my team, rather than trying up some of my other highly ranked champs.
  • AlperkanAlperkan Member Posts: 6
    DrownedGod wrote: »
    You're able to complete act 5, so you've apparently had some luck with 4 star pulls, no?

    Just saying.

    It's all about making use of what you've got. I see a list there that has more than a few useful weapons for AW offense and defense, with emphasis on the latter. I'd personally love to be able to strategically place hood, bpcw, juggernaut and vulture on my team, rather than trying up some of my other highly ranked champs.

    You know these days diversity is important on war defense. So I cant hee them in defense.
    I got some good 4* champs but they are going to be unusefull very soon.
  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    I'd like to complain that my 5* luck is trash but I have a Quake and Killmonger, so I guess 2 out of 19 isn't bad (although that Killmonger was from the Gwenpool event and not an actual 5* crystal).
  • Jackbrooks2580Jackbrooks2580 Member Posts: 68
    I have four five stars champs, storm, Elecktra, OG iron man and she hulk which I pulled yesterday. I was sad with Pulling she hulk.
  • GamePlayWorldGamePlayWorld Member Posts: 401
    lol yeh
  • Ab_SamadAb_Samad Member Posts: 386 ★★
  • This content has been removed.
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Same here 14 trash 5 stars and 1 decent one (x23) I’ve been going for elders bane with 4 stars now and when u get a 5 star like she hulk or hulkbuster it’s just so annoying
  • LazerblamLazerblam Member Posts: 46
    Got my first 5 star a few days ago from completing the monthly event quest on heroic, i was extremely pleased to pull Ghost rider. Not had this champion in any stars before. Sometimes i curse my luck in this game, that wasnt one of those days. But hey, theres always dissapointment to be found elsewhere 😂maybe my next one, whenever that will be, will be karnak or ms. marvel
  • Metal8989Metal8989 Member Posts: 51
  • Metal8989Metal8989 Member Posts: 51

    Well i have been so lucky pulling good 5* from Basics
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,887 ★★★★★
    My top 5* for year and a half was Mordo. Then I got Sentry and almost cried from happiness. Now I got Crossbones and Venom was buffed. But I still have literally 2-3 usable 5*s (Cross, Sentry and Venom outta ca 15 that I currently have)
  • Cranky_TrumpCranky_Trump Member Posts: 263
    I've done well with 5's, first was Stark Spidey, then Dormammu, Yellowjacket, Carnage(pre-fix, but worked out now), IP, and Gwenpool
  • SabrefencerSabrefencer Member Posts: 1,433 ★★★
    Was going to grind the Hyperion arena starting later today to finally awaken mine. Popped a 4* and voila! Hyperion. No need to grind, although I'll still do the arena for the milestones.
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