Mastery change costs

I have never understood the reason of having to pay every single time you want to change masteries.other than greed on kabams part. They cost hundreds to unluck in the first place so to charge just to rearrange them is petty. It’s also alot more of an issue now with global nodes in war and the need to change up masteries between aq and war to get the best out of champs. The need on your oart to make money from every single part of the game is really wearing thin.


  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    It’s to discourage tryhards from changing their masteries around for every fight in AW. If they need to they will do it, but how is it a strategy game if you don’t have to sacrifice resources to gain an advantage? Plus it’s only like 1-5 units for each level, which would take maybe an hour tops of arena grinding to pay back all of the units you spent.
  • SweatlipSweatlip Member Posts: 163
    Because we have alresdy paid big to open them? Like buying a dvd amd then having to pay a bit everytime u watch it lol
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