Morningstar Regen not working
Morningstar's signature ability gives her gives her a regen when the opponent activates an active regen ability. So, why doesn't it work in the monthly quest when the defenders have the "Buffet" buff/boost?
It states “Morningstar collects souls from quest to quest” To me, this should work like every other persistent charge counter in the game. If you win, you get a charge.
Nearly impossible to build power, for her SP3, to land a soul charge. It is impossible unless facing large opponents. Espically early on, because power gain is based on how many souls she already has.
Her special attack 3 states “her weapon begins to pull soul from opponent” If you take damage though, you won’t get their soul. If you do land their soul, benefit is granted for that fight, then it also carries over. This mechanic also seems broken. If you can land her SO3, not get hit and pull their soul within the fight, it should be an additional soul charge when carried over. If your at max souls, then there should be a 6th “maximum” soul.
Makes sense to me anyway.
Boon of the gods is passive, so MS won’t mirror it
How exactly is she broken? She is supposed to be a buildup champ. If you are defeating opponents before you get to sp3, the fights are going to be easy anyways and you don't need souls. What you are suggesting would make her way too powerful because she would get all her souls within 2 fights (and even less if you use her synergies). If you want 6 souls, you are suggesting they add a whole new ability. That doesn't mean she's broken. She is working exactly as intended, you can't have everything handed to you on a platter.
@LordTrouble as @Whododo872 stated, thor's power gain is not a buff, and therefore won't be mirrored by ms. It should be working against buffet tho, for me it always triggers once I use dexterity. Do you have video proof?
If it happens every 7 seconds and I use her heavy gaining a power gain that get's ate causing the defender to regen, then wouldn't the regen work? After all, it's after a buff was already eaten for that 7 seconds.
I do not. I don't have video recording on my phone. But, as I replied to Whododo in this message. It should happen after I use a heavy to get the regen triggered. And, it should also happen with dexterity and doesn't. I haven't tried with any other champ besides Vulture on Epic Airborne Pathogen.
Because I use something that isn't her regen that TRIGGERS regen. Otherwise buffet is eating the original buff and preventing ANOTHER buff. Maybe go back and read her Signature ability again?
You've put up a screenshot of her Sig ability, which clearly states that Morningstar copies regeneration buffs.
Buffet doesn't trigger a regeneration buff. It triggers a single tick of passive healing. There's no buff for Morningstar to copy.
Sorry, but she's working as intended.
The words in the buffet effect states that it triggers REGENERATION.
Her abilities are a little misleading. It does say she gains a portion ANY fury, power gain, or regen and reduces the opponents by a percentage. Currently she only gains one, regardless of how many the defender has. Pretty sure that also mean it only effects the potency of one, not multiple. Like stacks of fury, etc.
Wrong, this is not a bug. Deadpool's power gain is passive, not a buff. Passive effects are not buffs.
Try using Rogue in a buffet fight. Fight a champ that has buffs. Use her sp1 to steal a buff from the opponent. The opponent triggers buffet, and the stolen buff is removed from Rogue...but Rogue receives a regen buff instead. Weird.
iirc whenever buffet triggers, it will trigger md for mystics.
@BeginthEnd it sounds like you are confusing buffs with passives. Buffs are the circle icons that have a border around them. Passives have a solid background. Compare dpx's power gain symbol with that of Hyperion, you'll see the difference.
On your rogue comment, you seem to forget that rogue's sp1 already comes with life steal, which is part of her abilities, buffet healing has nothing to do with it.
@Championcritic I know what I'm talking about. Did you know that sw power steal triggers masochism, even though no debuff icon appears? It's the same concept. While the actual icon does not pop up, it is still popping up in the background. I'm not claiming to be an expert on coding, but there's evidence. Buffet and masochism would not trigger md if they were passive. Here's some more evidence:
1. punisher 2099 automatically heal blocks if there is a regen BUFF on the opponent. Buffet triggers this heal block.
2. Gr fate seal prevents BUFFS from triggering on the opponent. This works on buffet.
3. Hood can stagger buffet. stagger only works on BUFFs.
AND, here's a link to a reddit against a masochism dorm. Checkmate.
And buddy I know my Rogue. Probably more than you. Maybe you should actually test what I typed, because while Rogue does get an initial burst of healing from the life steal, she also gains a regen buff (as in, a green circle with a heart in it) if she steals a buff and buffet removes it.
Edit: clarified that the reddit video showcases morningstar vs a masochism dorm. Dorm himself doesn't get a buff popup, but ms activates regeneration.
It seems like Morningstar shouldn't benefit from Masochism. She's clearly intended to be less effective against most passive effects like DPX's Power Gain. She should be similarly ineffective against Sabretooth's or OML's regeneration, as both are passives. As you suggest, presumably this must be a coding issue like Hawkeye's SP1 inflicting an 'invisible debuff', so him being ineffective against debuff-immune opponents.
There are other examples -
So Morningstar ought to either always benefit from Masochism or never benefit. I don't understand how we see it working in that video but @LordTrouble doesn't see it happening. That video on Reddit is a couple of weeks old at least - ? Before the last update? Any chance of a mod comment?
Given that Morningstar's Sig does specify buffs, and that neither Masochism nor Buffet actually triggers a visible buff, it seems most likely that the fact her Sig triggers on Masochism is a bug; rather than the fact it 'fails' to trigger on Buffet.
I strongly suspect that if it is ever fixed, Morningstar will end up not benefiting from either Masochism or Buffet. But it's entirely your call how much attention you draw to this...
Power Start 1> SP:1 triggers Unstoppable
SP: 1 will not activate after using Special
Only seeing Life Steal on SP2>
Never SP 1 or SP 3 and almost non existent using basic, mid, and heavy attacks.
Power Gain from heavy not gaining power equal to number of souls after using one heavy attack. Even after it expires.
Fury Steal not working beyond 1 stolen buff. (Example: Loki sp1> Steal all fury (or any buff) stacks if opponent has more than one, nullify all buffs on opponent.
(Example: MS SP2 nullifies all stacks of fury on opponent. Gain one fury buff.
I’m going to post a vid very soon, just gotta capture it