Electro skin.. amazing spiderman2

Watching the movie and was thinking who is that bad guy... they say electro
But he looks way cooler and stronger then the one we have. Maby an idea for a new one? As there are diffrent caps and im’s
He can fly 🤔

But he looks way cooler and stronger then the one we have. Maby an idea for a new one? As there are diffrent caps and im’s
He can fly 🤔

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Static shock rework:
- When struck, Electro inflicts Shock damage equal to 10% of his Attack.
- When he successfully blocks an attack, Electro inflicts Shock damage equal to 20% of his Attack. This rises to 40% on a well-timed block.
New Signature:
Whenever Electro strikes with a critical hit, he has up to a 40% chance to inflict shock causing damage equal to 75% of his Attack over four seconds (This may sound overpowered; but actually just means that Electro inflicts Shock the way that characters like Black Panther inflict bleed).
New passive effects:
- Electro does not suffer any damage from Static shock or from Shock debuffs, instead gaining power proportionate to the damage they would have inflicted.
- Electro's heavy attack inflicts Shock damage rather than physical.
- Whenever Electro stuns an opponent, he also inflicts a shock debuff of equal duration causing 33% of his attack damage per second for the duration of the stun. This applies both to his Special attacks, and use of the Parry mastery or node-related Stun effects.
Metal Opponents
Against Metal opponents, Electro's shock-based Damage (Heavy attacks, Special attacks, static shock and shock debuffs) and his Ability Accuracy all increase by 15%.
Now there's a champ whose 5* crystal might be worth buying!
If you would like to see a new version of Electro introduced to the game, please share your idea in our Character Wishlist Thread, located HERE.