The game is moving away from Blade, so this or Ghost Antman and Wasp, if only Antman was a really good champ now, he’s ok with synergies, but not great
CAIW gains 10% weakness and 25% petrify debuffs from Vision (tech) and Gulk (science) while Vision gets even more power drain and Gulk gets 50% weakness on opponents (except while being struck by them). It's pretty awesome benefits for all three champs
May not be the best, bust it's the one I quest with. Not too expensive on revive.
Hulk/Void/Thor Rag
Thor (Ragnarok): +60% Attack when Thunder God's Wrath is active.
Hulk: Becomes Indestructible for 5 seconds when below 20% Health.
Void: When charging Heavy Attacks, Void can gain up to 3 Fury Buffs, each enhancing his Attack Rating by 20% for 8 seconds.
Hulk: Gains 1 bar of Power when below 20% Health.
Ghost, Hood, Wasp. Hood makes all specials deal zero damge while she is phased. She can take a Sp3 and take zero damage.
Domino, Rulk, Masacre. The damage Domino can do from heavy attacks with this synergy is disgusting. All you need to do is parry+heavy attack entire fight
“That ol’ Holy Trinity ain’t what she used to be...”
😂 funny thing, I have that screenshot too as I wasn’t impressed by them being over reliant on their trinities.
Was a fun war, though I would’ve preferred it if I hadn’t been clipped 3% off the medusa oneshot lol.
Reverse regen/power gain, Major damage, True strike, not to mention the small regen Void gets, the shrug off and insane power gain KM gets and the AA reduction ST gets. Not really much more you need in AW at the moment.
Loki, Hela, Thor (RR) - Keep on dodging back, parry, whatever you gotta do. Loki will build to sp2 with a quickness. Unblockable damage- up to 100k (Kabam capped it)
Steal their power gain if you really feel like it.
Add Hulk and Void as @SmokinSurfer suggested for further assistance.
Cap IW is such an underrated attacker because majority of the community would rather have corvus or blade. Run suicides with the ghulk synergy and you will have no problem with any node in aw
I love being able to regen 15% of my life, and get a fury on demand. The fact you get an extra life is pretty sweet too.
Hulk/Void/Thor Rag
Thor (Ragnarok): +60% Attack when Thunder God's Wrath is active.
Hulk: Becomes Indestructible for 5 seconds when below 20% Health.
Void: When charging Heavy Attacks, Void can gain up to 3 Fury Buffs, each enhancing his Attack Rating by 20% for 8 seconds.
Hulk: Gains 1 bar of Power when below 20% Health.
Domino, Rulk, Masacre. The damage Domino can do from heavy attacks with this synergy is disgusting. All you need to do is parry+heavy attack entire fight
“That ol’ Holy Trinity ain’t what she used to be...”
😂 funny thing, I have that screenshot too as I wasn’t impressed by them being over reliant on their trinities.
Was a fun war, though I would’ve preferred it if I hadn’t been clipped 3% off the medusa oneshot lol.
I know this team isn't the best team and probably the synergies aren't the best, but I like the Ragnarok crew! All 4 on a quest team is fun too.
Thor Rags, Hela, Loki
CB, taskmaster, Hawkeye
Hulk, BW, Heimdal
Steal their power gain if you really feel like it.
Add Hulk and Void as @SmokinSurfer suggested for further assistance.