Kicked for cheating???

Kabam! I got a notice today for cheating with a permanent ban. This caught me by surprise as I am not a cheater. How do I go about arguing this?
If you are going to ban me for nothing I expect a full refund for every penny spent on your game...please respond
Thank you
If you are going to ban me for nothing I expect a full refund for every penny spent on your game...please respond
Thank you
In the last 6 months I have been in Alaska, Canada, Colorado, Washington, Texas, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. And within this states I have been in several different locations from day to day.
I believe the perm bans that were handed out didn't discriminate, whether you used a mod to explore LoL or if it was some harmless third-party recording software.
As an example, suppose you played professional sports; half the products sold at supplement stores will get you suspended or kicked out of the league. They may not be illegal drugs that'll get you thrown in jail, but if the rules are you can't drink more than one energy drink a day and you drink two (sorry, stupid analogy but I'll roll with it), you will get punished.
Anyway, sucks that you got banned; I know the time & effort it takes to progress in this game, so I hope things work out for the better either way.
You can't spend money and loads valueable time on you're account. And one dag.. POOF! You're banned. Sorry not sorry.
I mean scroll up!! This poor dude is trying to proove he's not cheating in the game by explaininhg the fact that he hasent gotten anywhere in it.
Its pathetic.
Only 00.05% of the champs in this gamebare even useful for most of the content. And 99.99% U WILL NOT GET ONE OF THOSE CHAMPS.
They make more challenges and quests with rewards that may help u advance and get somewhere. But yet its only obtainable for the players who have already gotten somewhere. Its all crooked.
How do you know he's not? Kabam has made plenty of mistakes in the past so its not far fetched that they screwed up. Kabam can barely roll out a game update without messing up everything.
So say what you think you need to about believing me. I don't care. I just hope kabam will check in and reach out to me.
Tap "secuirity & abuse"
Tap "my account was banned or suspended"
Tap "i need more help"
Tap "contact support"