I know y'all tired of hearing about this, but I really think a trade system should be introduced into the contest.
I pulled a 5* Doctor Octopus, but I already have Stark Spidey, so he won't be used much. An I'm not big on Arena, in fact I hate that @&$!
Anyways, my teammate pulled a 5* (you guessed it) — A WHOLE FREAKING MASACRE!!!! A champion I've been wanting forever since his debut. Now keep in mind, this team member has an awakened 5* Blade, so he doesn't care for Masacre.
The trade system would allow me and her to trade Doctor Octopus for the Masacre, since we both have champions each other want, instead of grinding for 10k shards again an wishing on a star
I pulled a 5* Doctor Octopus, but I already have Stark Spidey, so he won't be used much. An I'm not big on Arena, in fact I hate that @&$!
Anyways, my teammate pulled a 5* (you guessed it) — A WHOLE FREAKING MASACRE!!!! A champion I've been wanting forever since his debut. Now keep in mind, this team member has an awakened 5* Blade, so he doesn't care for Masacre.
The trade system would allow me and her to trade Doctor Octopus for the Masacre, since we both have champions each other want, instead of grinding for 10k shards again an wishing on a star
See bow u can abuse it?
Or if someone is quitting they could trade me champs and i can give them some money for doing trades
And pretty much this is how black market for trading goods happens.
This happens alot in mmos and online games.
I have 8 6* that i wouldnt r2 but ill easily trade 2 or more for a 6* corvus.
Because u can spend $200,300,400 and ofcourse your not even be close to a 6* let alone garantee u a corvus.
6* now are to heavily geared in RNG.
And alot of end game players would pay top $$$ for a 6* corvus.
Trading is a bad way to ruin this game.
But this is like hundreth topic about this subject.
Obviously itll be abused. Just go read the other dozen threads on this
Y'all make up all these asinine stories in your head, as if Kabam won't make strict rules regarding trading champs
So what kind of rules do you think they'll make? Do you have any suggestions?
The difference is that MCOC has a meta game that shifts by the week. The champion black market would be diabolical
See? how you can corrupt the system.
1. You can only trade for a champion of the same tier (no 2* for 3*)
2. You can only trade with members of your alliance or that's on your friends list.
3. No 3rd party apps, etc.. permanent ban!!
So what about people making multiple accounts to trade with themselves?
1. Okay yeah sure, doesn't lessen the potential to cheat.
2. Yes, because if they're in your alliance or on your friends list, there's no way they would be cheaters. I mean, that's already the system for gifting and you can work around it.
3. That's already a rule too.
OMG. I'm dead.
An if anybody wanna trade their IP for a Blade, that's on them, maybe they don't care for Blade or love IP.
Y'all make stuff so complicated, when it's simple.. you have the ish in literally every game, but in this it's a big problem, and y'all care so much
It’s not a brick wall you’ve run into. It’s community consensus. As such; you have been give a heafty dose of cold water on your idea.
If you want to play a game where you can trade for your “champions”, then go back to playing your Pokémon hat you have so elequantly used as an example.
What may work for one game, does not nessesarrally mean it will work all other games.
Fun fact nintendo had to shut down gts at one point due to the underground black market for pokemon that infested it most in the competitive community knew not to use gts because u were most likely getting a hacked pokemon and in any official tourney u cant use them and risk getting disqualified eventually they re opened it but still modes got hacked pokemon on it like crazy now and days there anti cheat system is so bad they dont even bother trying to update it and modded even found a way to use modded pokemon in tourneys in the end the only people that are screwed are ones that dont cheat as it takes them much longer to breed and get pokemon
Now back to this game think of it like this people were willing to spend 500 on a rng chance to get a good champion knowing full well they can get trash people would absolutely go the third party way and spend a specific amount to get a set champ from a player prospective u wont care but from kabams prospective that's a lot of money to be loosing
....only $500? My friend, there's a world out there you haven't seen.
.......thousands of dollars......
If you set up something like only 2 5* trades a year or 6 months and the person you trade with must either be your friends or part of the same alliance for 4 months or what ever time limit seems good so that you just can't buy an account online and trade , plus your trade will revert the chap to like new , which means back to R1.
It can be done but ive never seen such a community thats obsessed with keeping other players slow to progress, or anything that even looks like an advantage (rank down tickets) . The only competitive part of this game is AW, but everyone here has champ envy, or believe that someone who has a bigger roster is stealing something from them. Strange