Masacre - R4 for LoL Easy Path???

Looking for some opinions. I've had no luck duping my SL and I'm at a point in account progression where the easy path in LoL is my next content to complete. I'm considering bringing Masacre to r4 and have the ability to awaken him as well. I would bringing a team made up of: 5* GP R4S20 / Masacre R4; fillers Domino/YJ/Antman. I would appreciate any feedback for those who have completed the LoL Easy path as I'm clearly trying to keep cost down. Thanks in advance!
Unstoppable colossus- very hard to keep incinerates going for a long time.
Antman- his glancing also made it hard to get ignited.
Daredevil- he will evade both sp1 and sp2. Turned into a longer fight than I expected
Civil Warrior- when he has armor up, it becomes nearly impossible to get ignited and keep it up
Maestro- he reduces skill offensive ability accuracy. So masacre can't do anything special.
On future paths I'm not even going to bother trying to use him vs maestro again.
Awakening him will make him better for those fights you can't get many debuffs on him but you have gwenpool for those fights so I don't think awakening him will be very benficial to you
Thanks for catching me on youtube. No the dupe isnt necessary. It gives you some extra crit rate but if you use my forced block method, you'll never notice the dupe ability.