Captain Marvel Buff

As you know Kabam has done an excellent job on Venom and Carnage for the movie, so what about Captain Marvel for the movie. Any suggestions for Buffs? (i.e. Better Fury, new abilities)
Keep her awakened ability.
Also give her something similar to Cap IW kinetic charge except she can only gain these charges through blocking an energy based attack, parrying a energy based attack, or suffering from an energy based attack. These charges can do one or two thing, she can dash backward and hold block for 3 seconds and instantly regain a portion of her health depending on the amount of charges she has or unleash a devastating amount of damage when she triggers her specials. Either way, all charges will disappear after either action and she will gain a cooldown before she can gain them again. The max amount of charges she can gain at a time would be 5. For every charge she gains, she also gains a permanent fury which also disappears once she triggers all of her charges.
Her first special btw has a chance to inflict armor break and weakness.
Her second special has a chance to inflict armor break and stun for like 10 seconds.
Her third special will inflict some sort of armor shattered, a 6 second stun, and some sort of DOT debuff. She also gains 3 charges.
What do you guys think?