Should we stop the current war out of respect for Stan Lee ?

I expect a lot of hate from this but I don't care.
Should we stop the current war out of respect for Stan Lee ? 110 votes
37 votes
73 votes
But hey, I'm willing to compromise. Let's all agree that in memory of Stan Lee, all of us will stop fighting in alliance war at noon tomorrow. For one moment.
If the game shuts down war you're giving up nothing, because you have absolutely no choice in the matter. That's like saying you'll give up Tuesday wars. If you really want to give up something, you should voluntarily not participate in war personally.
If you think that works for you somehow, then stop playong at all I guess.
Or just do what the previous player said, and keep playing.
Stan Lee spent his last decades of life evangelizing the heck out of the Marvel Universe. Somehow, I don't think abstention of any kind would be a fitting tribute to him.
Thats a good way of putting it. I started the Poll to see what people think and some good responses have come of it. I hope that Kabam send some mail to us saying something about the champ at least. Super funny that people think I am worried about losing a war.
Just because it's an honest question doesn't mean it's not a stupid question. I'm not even sure how honest it is, since it sounds like its packed with ulterior motives.
You do realize that today is also Veterans Day here in the states as well? As sad as Stan Lee's passing is, there are other things going on besides that. We are literally fighting "wars" on a day where we are remembering our combat veterans. That is probably a better reason to stop wars if any.